
4 ways to keep ahead of denials amid the pandemic

Revenue cycle leaders share their perspectives on managing denials during the COVID-10 pandemic, including the need to keep up with new codes and evolving payment guidelines.

Jeni Williams February 22, 2021

January brings a halt to job gains for hospitals and the healthcare industry

January numbers form the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that hospitals and the healthcare industry lost jobs after several months of gains.

Nick Hut February 17, 2021

Healthcare M&A activity gained steam in Q4 2020

Hospital transactions in Q4 2020 were flat compared with Q4 2019, while healthcare IT and post-acute care deals rose significantly.

Nick Hut February 3, 2021

Navigating the unimaginable: A COVID-19 panel discussion with senior financial executives

A panel discussion with three CFOs of different health systems and hospitals focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on operational priorities and strategic directions.

HFMA February 1, 2021

3 takeaways from the latest MedPAC policy meeting: future payment rates, telehealth coverage approaches and an overhaul of Medicare APMs

The January meeting of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission included policy discussions about some of the most pressing issues in healthcare, including coverage of telehealth services.

Nick Hut January 25, 2021

Have hospital-at-home programs finally come of age?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated interest in developing and expanding hospital-at-home programs. For healthcare organizations that are pursuing risk-based contracting with an APM, a hospital-at-home program offers the potential to improve care and reduce costs for a segment of the patient population.

M. Orry Jacobs January 22, 2021

‘History favors the bold’: The digital transformation mandate for the healthcare industry

Hospitals and health systems need to implement digital technologies and processes to keep up with societal and industry changes, according to a featured presentation at HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with more virtual education for healthcare finance professionals

HFMA's Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with a focus on optimizing performance with the latest KPIs, using analytics strategies to lower cost and maximize revenue and using behavioral economics to engage patients.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

Transparency push will continue, won’t increase prices, Verma tells HFMA audience

CMS Administrator Seema Verma said the Trump administration will continue with price transparency initiatives, and she believes they will not increase healthcare prices.

Rich Daly January 22, 2021

Navigating through a pandemic: Digital Annual Conference session to explore how health systems are responding to COVID-19 now and over the long term

A featured session at HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference on July 15 will examine how three health systems are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021
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