
Health systems have found ways to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders say

Health systems have overcome the financial tumult of COVID-19 by being nimble, proactive and innovative, according to panelists at HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

How the pandemic paved the way for fraud, waste and abuse in telehealth

Emad Rizk of Cotiviti discusses the fraud, waste and abuse risks of telehealth, and Sondra Cari from sponsor Huron talks about the opportunities of revenue cycle learning.

Erika Grotto December 29, 2020

Hospitals try to apply lessons learned during the COVID-19 response

Hospitals are looking to apply lessons and innovations learned from their response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Rich Daly December 10, 2020

How hospitals are trying to get patients to return amid COVID-19

Hospitals are using a variety of efforts — from television campaigns to patient outreach — to get patients to return for care.

Rich Daly December 8, 2020

Accessing insight, opportunities and resources to drive innovation in healthcare

Organizations should acknowledge and respond to existing and emerging trends as they navigate through the current public health crisis and also maintain longterm financial viability. Learn variations to successfully achieve innovation.

HFMA November 30, 2020

How hospitals’ labor cost responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, differed and what the lessons learned mean for the future

The pandemic forced aggressive hospital cost controls to offset a historic revenue collapse. Labor cost control was key to that response and could see long-term implications.

Rich Daly November 23, 2020

Financial Sustainability Report: June 2020

The June issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, provides a broad range of new guidance for healthcare finance leaders on how to adapt and thrive in healthcare’s emerging new world in the aftermath of COVID-19.

HFMA November 23, 2020

Financial Sustainability Report: May 2020

The May issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, offers healthcare finance leaders insights that can help them develop long-term solutions for recovering and thriving in the new healthcare landscape that emerges after the COVID-19 pandemic.

HFMA November 23, 2020

Chronic conditions, other health issues have worsened during the pandemic, physician survey finds

The health of patients, including those with chronic diseases, is worsening during the pandemic, say clinicians.

Rich Daly November 20, 2020

Reimagining the revenue cycle today to benefit us tomorrow

In this executive roundtable, eight revenue cycle leaders share their insight on what new innovations the healthcare revenue cycle will see following COVID-19 and how the pandemic changed the ways in which revenue cycle leaders think about technology investment.

HFMA October 28, 2020
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