Revenue Cycle Technology

Offering long-term payment plans to meet the financial needs of patients

A forward-thinking bank talks about its accessible patient finance program, which gives patients a way to afford care while ensuring timely payment for healthcare organizations.

HFMA August 31, 2020

New data analytics hold the key to promoting consumerism in healthcare

Panelists at HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference in August explored how recent advances in data analytics are helping to improve the patient experience of care and advance consumerism in healthcare.

Eric C. Reese, PhD August 13, 2020

Rethinking patient payments and providing a consumer-friendly experience

An innovative healthcare technology company talks about how its technology-fueled billing and payment platform enables a compassionate patient financial experience while efficiently driving revenue into a healthcare organization.

HFMA July 31, 2020

Hospitals forecast declining revenues, lower procedure volumes and greater telehealth adoption due to COVID-19

Important learnings from a May 2020 HFMA-conducted survey about the COVID-19 crisis and some of the trends healthcare organizations are seeing.

HFMA July 31, 2020

The role of intelligent automation in reducing waste and improving efficiency in the revenue cycle

A portion of the wasteful spending in healthcare can be curbed by automating repetitive tasks.

Dan Hillman February 18, 2020

Craneware: Demystifying the costs of care

A leading chargemaster company discusses its commitment to helping healthcare organizations understand their total cost of care and make strategic decisions to grow and protect margin.

HFMA December 2, 2019

Parallon: Helping providers tackle complex revenue cycle challenges

A leading revenue cycle management company talks about how it partners with healthcare organizations to use technology for optimizing financial performance and enabling patient-centric financial interactions.

HFMA December 2, 2019

Taking the sting out of patient bill payment

An innovative technology startup talks about its free, user-friendly bill payment app and how it can help healthcare organizations provide a simpler way for patients to pay.

HFMA December 2, 2019

Pursuing innovation in the revenue cycle to transform operations

A roundtable of healthcare revenue cycle leaders discusses the importance of embracing innovation, including new and emerging technologies, to combat shrinking margins and navigate new payment models and the ever-changing regulatory environment.

HFMA December 2, 2019

The challenges and opportunities in pursuing a patient-centric financial experience

A roundtable of healthcare revenue cycle leaders examines the pressing need to keep patients at the center of revenue cycle activities to increase yield and patient satisfaction while lowering administrative costs.

HFMA December 2, 2019
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