Trending Solutions for Rising Drug Prices
Understanding the efficacy of high-cost drug across large patient populations will help providers, payers, and pharmaceutical companies to understand the value of certain drugs and offer patients their life-saving value.
3 Tips to Ensure Information Governance Success
A hospital health information director shares three strategies to help organizations form an information governance structure.
Children’s Health Raises Efficiency with Revenue Cycle Information Governance
To leverage its data assets toward population health management and other strategic goals, Children’s Health embarked on an information governance initiative that manages data throughout its lifecycle and organizationwide.
Ask the Experts: Exploring Telemedicine Legal Issues
Are there special considerations for legal ramifications around a telehealth program?
Achieving Dramatic Healthcare Savings With a 140-Year-Old Innovation: The Telephone
Mary Jane Konstantin discusses how the telephone provides a fast, cost-effective way for nurses to provide patient care.
Combining Data Across Care Sites Specialties and Provider Types for More Complete Cost Accounting
Adding professional services data to department-level costs can help hospital leaders understand all relevant costs in an increasingly value-focused environment.
Three Rivers Health Uses Analytics to Accomplish Financial Turnaround
A rural Michigan hospital regained its financial footing after integrating disparate financial systems into one platform and leveraging new analytics tools to lead process improvement efforts.
Augusta University Health System Leverages Decision Support for Costing and Planning
By integrating case cost data with financial data in their decision support system, the health system can now gain a clear picture of the true cost of a single patient case.
The Self-Pay Compliance Problem: Payment Security
David King discusses the hospital’s role as “merchant” when patients use credit cards to pay for their care.
Using Palm Vein Technology to Accurately Identify Patients
“If a person gives five different names over a five month period, we are still able to get the correct patient medical record to the treating provider, regardless of the patient’s name,” says Kandy Swanson, BayCare Health System.When patients present