
Ontario Systems: Maximizing Revenue While Improving Productivity

Shawn Yates, director, healthcare product management for Ontario Systems, discusses the value in leveraging technology to boost revenue recovery.  

HFMA August 10, 2017

Five Lessons Health Systems Can Learn From Intuit

Increasing patient access to healthcare data can bolster population health management efforts for consumers.

Dinesh Sheth August 1, 2017

A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Clinical Care and Reducing Costs

The experiences of two health systems provide insight into how healthcare providers can use advanced data analytics to sustainably improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. 

Jennie D. Dulac July 31, 2017

The New Knowledge Matchmaker

The latest AI applications in health care offer clinical options by pairing the most relevant evidence to individual patients based on their clinical and life context.

Laura Ramos Hegwer July 19, 2017

Virtual Visits Come of Age

More organizations are launching virtual visits for outpatient care as a means of lowering the cost of delivering care, improving patient outcomes, and boosting physician satisfaction with their jobs.

Lola Butcher July 19, 2017

Medical Records are Prime Hunting Grounds for Hackers

Medical records contain data that hackers crave, so be sure to protect your systems from attack by evaluating EHR and mobile app security, among other steps.

Chris Byers July 17, 2017

Predictive Analytics: A Prescription for a Better Patient Experience

As the patient experience becomes a bigger part of the healthcare picture, providers may find predictive analytics useful in assisting patients making healthcare decisions.

Keith Roberts June 30, 2017

Linking Professional Fee and Facility Fee Data to Get the Big Picture

Matching patient and encounter data helped one Vermont hospital overcome the challenges of working with two different billing systems for its facility and physicians.

Laura Ramos Hegwer June 5, 2017

Improving Outcomes Using Social Determinants of Health

Rick Ingraham describes how patients’ social factors can help healthcare providers improve the quality of care.

Rick Ingraham June 2, 2017

What Finance Leaders Should Know About Cybersecurity Risks

IT security breaches can be costly: The average cost of a breached medical record is $158. Fortunately, finance leaders can help IT security teams protect against these unforeseen costs.

Laura Ramos Hegwer June 1, 2017
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