Payer access to EHR data improves cash flow
Sharp Healthcare gives some payers limited access to their members’ EHR data, which reduces the time-consuming cycle of level-of-care authorization denials, appeals, and ultimate approvals.
Empowering Physicians to Become Stewards
Texas hospitals are providing physicians with a tool that gives them greater insight into the costs and risks associated with the care they provide, enabling them to lead the way to achieving the goals of value-based care.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes When Purchasing Financial Software
By understanding what to include in their RFPs, finance leaders can make sure they select the best cost accounting, decision support, and business intelligence platforms.
6 Ways Tablets at Registration Deliver ROI to Enterprise Health Systems
The cost savings that result from eliminating paper forms at patient check-in can be significant for health systems.
Healthcare Transformational Landscape: Impact on Accounting From EHR Platforms and Other
The cost of implementing a new electronic health record system can be expensed or capitalized over the life of the implementation project.
Achieving an Aligned Physician Enterprise Through Cultural Transformation
By aligning with physicians and staff members, health system leaders can effect change in their organizations to meet consumer needs and wants.
Trending Toward Home Care: Is Our Health System Ready?
The advancement of telemedicine and home-based technology presents both opportunities and challenges with respect to improving health care and making it safer.
Health Care’s Technological Revolution Is Here!
Rubin Pillay describes how technological advances will cause disruption in health care.
From What to How: Moving from Planning to Execution
When data-driven strategy management tools are used, transparency and accountability create speed to solution, speed to execution, and competency in execution.
The Digital Imperative for U.S. Healthcare Providers
Jason Lineen describes the importance of adopting digital mindset in a healthcare organization.