
Provider Nimbleness Required for Diverse Value-Based Healthcare Models

Providers must be nimble to adapt to new value-based healthcare strategies.

Theresa Hush February 26, 2019

Introducing a Road Map for Advanced Cost Accounting

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses the new cost accounting model launched as a collaboration between HFMA and Strata Decision Technology.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA February 26, 2019

The Value of Financial Analytics

Data analytics and business intelligence are essential tools for effectively managing the financial performance of healthcare organizations.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA February 26, 2019

UPMC: Expanding Organization Reach via Telemedicine and Virtual Care

This case study shows how one integrated delivery system has effectively leveraged innovation technology and data governance in the area of telemedicine to monetize its data assets.

HFMA February 26, 2019

Allina Health: Reducing Variations in Clinical Care

This case study shows how one health system used its data assets to identify opportunities for reducing variations in clinical care.

HFMA February 26, 2019

Monetizing Data: The Key to Realizing the Value of Data Analytics

Healthcare organizations require data analytics to succeed in the emerging value-focused healthcare environment, and through data monetization, in which they use these assets to create economic value, they can realize the value of their investment in the analytics. 

Stephanie Crabb February 26, 2019

How to Achieve a Return on an EHR

Electronic health records can be a useful population health management tool.

Shaillee J. Chopra February 26, 2019

Return on Analytics: Addressing the ‘Signals’ in the ‘Noise’

A healthcare organization’s ability to sustain high-value care delivery and ensure its long-term strategic financial viability depends on how effectively it applies data analytics to inform improvement efforts related to quality, cost, and patient experience. 

Jennie D. Dulac, RN February 26, 2019

Grant Thornton: Guiding Organizations Through Cloud-Based ERP Adoption

A senior leader at Grant Thornton LLP HealthCare Advisory Services talks about key ways to lay the groundwork for a shift to cloud-based ERP solutions. Insights stem from a presentation given at the HFMA Large System Controllers Council.  

HFMA February 25, 2019

Telehealth Use Among Medicare Patients Limited but Growing

Growth in telehealth use among Medicare beneficiaries is occurring in patients 85 years and older and living in rural areas.

HFMA February 21, 2019
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