
Survey: Hospitals overspending on corporate services could reduce costs without impacting quality

Important learnings from a November 2019 HFMA-conducted survey about corporate services spending patterns and how organizations could be more efficient and effective with their spend.

HFMA April 30, 2020

Online community value is apparent amid the COVID-19 outbreak

There has been a surge of activity in HFMA's Community groups since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as HFMA members seek to share insights with their peers to help them respond to the crisis.

Melanie Binder April 29, 2020

Why a more modern cost accounting approach in healthcare is needed post-COVID-19

A recent survey by HFMA and Strata Decision Technology found that, although 85% of health systems and 57% of hospitals and medical centers havecost accounting systems, most are not fully adept in using cost data to reduce total cost of care.

Jeni Williams April 29, 2020

Practices can qualify for CARES funding even without COVID-19 patients, HHS says

Practices can qualify for CARES Act grants even if they have no diagnosed or suspected COVID-19 patients.

Rich Daly April 15, 2020

Telehealth’s impact on clinic staffing models post-COVID-19

HFMA's Chad Mulvany predicts that if COVID-19 leads to widespread usage of telehealth, post-pandemic it will lead to a rethinking of primary care clinic footprints and staffing models.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA April 7, 2020

Top 5 CMS provisions providing flexibilities to Medicare and Medicaid regulations during the COVID-19 public health emergency

A summary of the top five provisions in the CMS interim final rule issued last week, which provides additional flexibilities to Medicare and Medicaid regulations for the duration of the public health emergency.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA April 6, 2020

Providence deploys technology, analytics in response to the coronavirus pandemic

In Washington state, one of the epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic, Providence has enhanced its response by taking advantage of new technology.

Lola Butcher April 1, 2020

Coronavirus bill provides hospitals with $100 billion, other policy wins

Hospitals would garner $100 billion in funding support — as well as some desired policy tweaks — from a pending coronavirus stimulus package.

Rich Daly April 1, 2020

Hospitals seek legal cover amid their coronavirus responses

Hospitals are looking for more legal protections to help them improve their coronavirus care.

Rich Daly April 1, 2020

How healthcare organizations can prepare employees to securely work from home and avoid cyberattacks during the coronavirus crisis

While working from home in the name of social distancing, your employees are more vulnerable than ever to cyberattacks.

Erika Grotto April 1, 2020
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