
Healthcare News of Note: Oracle-Cerner deal has the potential to transform healthcare

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Oracle’s purchase of Cerner has the potential to transform the healthcare industry, Medicare spending on physician services during 2020 never recovered to pre-pandemic levels, and patients would leave a provider after a data breach of personal information.

Deborah Filipek August 26, 2022

How avoiding an awkward waiting room conversation can contribute to better health among transgender people

The cover story in the Winter 2020 issue of hfm magazine focused on the issue of deferred care during the pandemic. But deferring or avoiding healthcare is not a purely pandemic problem. Transgender patients are just one group that routinely avoids going to the doctor because they fear discrimination by the healthcare system. On this episode, Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, discusses how healthcare organizations can help transgender patients overcome barriers to care.

Erika Grotto August 26, 2022

The implications of Amazon’s deal to buy One Medical: What healthcare providers should know

Amazon’s announced purchase of One Medical for nearly $4 billion should spur providers to fortify their primary care strategies.

Nick Hut August 25, 2022

News Briefs: Final rule for Medicare inpatient payments brings large rate increase

As published in hfm magazine, a monthly roundup of top news for healthcare finance professionals.

Nick Hut August 25, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Nation’s transplant system in need of an overhaul

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Nation’s transplant system under scrutiny, peer comparisons hurt physician well-being, and Dollar General names Healthcare Advisory Panel members.

Deborah Filipek August 15, 2022

As revenue cycle challenges accumulate, a new survey suggests hospitals are taking a closer look at automation

For hospitals and health systems, survey results show that the ongoing labor crunch in revenue cycle operations has provided an impetus to expand process automation.

Nick Hut July 29, 2022

Information is key to improving health of Americans while reducing healthcare costs

U.S. hospitals, and the healthcare industry overall, must learn to apply data more proactively if we are to begin to make meaningfully progress toward addressing the financial and social challenges besetting our healthcare system, says Daniel Marino, managing partner of Lumina Health Partners.

Eric C. Reese, PhD July 21, 2022

Even as costs surge, Medicare physician payments are scheduled to decrease in 2023

Medicare physician payments would decrease by more than 4% in 2023, according to a proposed rule.

Nick Hut July 11, 2022

Medicare spells out proposed conditions of participation for rural emergency hospitals

Seeking to shore up operations for rural hospitals, CMS issued a proposed rule that establishes recommended regulations for the new rural emergency hospital category.

Nick Hut July 5, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Telemedicine use for cancer care should be more equitable

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: There’s a need to address inequities in telemedicine use for cancer care, almost 25% of physicians report mistreatment, and most Medicare Advantage enrollees are satisfied with their plan.

Deborah Filipek June 30, 2022
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