Operations and Other Technology

Striving for Cost Optimization Instead of Cost Cutting

Cost optimization involves more than cutting a set percentage from the traditional targets, such as labor, real estate, or IT. Cost optimization is an enterprisewide effort, requiring leaders to reset their operational strategies and align with value-based payment models.

Jacques Mulder October 3, 2017

Optimizing Financial Performance Under Value-Based Care

As they seek to adapt their organizations to the demands of value-based care, physician leaders can follow the example of participants in the Oncology Care Model.

Charles Saunders, MD October 2, 2017

Bridging the Divide in Device Development

An on-site incubator’s pilot training program helps medical device entrepreneurs and government regulators better understand each other.

Laura Ramos Hegwer September 20, 2017

How Telehealth Can Keep Care In-Network

Lee Horner explains how provider-to-provider communication using telehealth tools can help patients stay in-network.

Lee Horner September 6, 2017

Selecting a Decision Support System

Nancy Rocker and David Janotha offer a step-by-step process detailing selection of a decision support system.

Nancy Rocker August 29, 2017

An Overview of RPA

Using software robots to perform repetitive, ongoing financial processes can improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and boost the overall well-being of a health system’s revenue cycle and other data management applications.

Jerry Bruno August 23, 2017

Robotic Disruption and the New Healthcare Revenue Cycle

Using software robots to perform repetitive, ongoing financial processes can improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and boost the overall well-being of a health system’s revenue cycle and other data management applications.

Jerry Bruno August 23, 2017

Thinking About Robotization: It’s More than Efficiency and Costs Savings

Healthcare leaders should consider the impact of robotics implementations on various stakeholders by using a risk and reward analysis.

William Marty Martin August 10, 2017

Five Lessons Health Systems Can Learn From Intuit

Increasing patient access to healthcare data can bolster population health management efforts for consumers.

Dinesh Sheth August 1, 2017

Virtual Visits Come of Age

More organizations are launching virtual visits for outpatient care as a means of lowering the cost of delivering care, improving patient outcomes, and boosting physician satisfaction with their jobs.

Lola Butcher July 19, 2017
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