Technology ROI

Get creative with technology to drive your managed care programs

Technological innovations can help healthcare organizations improve their managed care programs.

David Bernd June 11, 2019

Achieving the elusive ROI on an EHR

Navigant's David Burik discusses the challenges hospitals face with their electronic health records and how to maximize their systems to achieve an ROI. Also, five key elements to an effective analytics solution.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

Monetizing Data: The Key to Realizing the Value of Data Analytics

Healthcare organizations require data analytics to succeed in the emerging value-focused healthcare environment, and through data monetization, in which they use these assets to create economic value, they can realize the value of their investment in the analytics. 

Stephanie Crabb February 26, 2019

How to Achieve a Return on an EHR

Electronic health records can be a useful population health management tool.

Shaillee J. Chopra February 26, 2019

Return on Analytics: Addressing the ‘Signals’ in the ‘Noise’

A healthcare organization’s ability to sustain high-value care delivery and ensure its long-term strategic financial viability depends on how effectively it applies data analytics to inform improvement efforts related to quality, cost, and patient experience. 

Jennie D. Dulac, RN February 26, 2019

When Indirect EHR Communication Drives Up Medical Costs

Indirect communication among primary care team members using EHRs is associated with increased hospital visits and higher medical costs for their patients with diabetes, according to one study. Researchers found that medical costs rose by $223 per patient with diabetes in a six-month period for every increase in one percentage point in indirect communication.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 15, 2019

A New Era in Healthcare Data Monetization

Technological advancements present an opportunity for healthcare organizations to monetize data.

Stephanie Crabb February 4, 2019

The CFO’s Role in Innovation

Setting aside less than one percent of operating revenue for innovative projects can help organizations improve patient services and advance the Triple Aim. “The high performers in innovation are not necessarily the high percentage investors,” says Adam Ward, an innovation consultant.

Laura Ramos Hegwer November 14, 2018

Improving Your Odds for Successful M&A

Although access to technology provides a strong draw in merger and acquisition activity, concerns remain regarding culture fit and high valuation multiples. As always, let the buyer beware.

Brad Haller November 1, 2018

Driving Greater ROI from Patient Engagement

Gary Hamilton describes the ways healthcare organizations can use technology to engage patients. 

Gary Hamilton August 14, 2018
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