Strategic Planning

Labor costs and other concerns dampen the outlook for not-for-profit hospitals this year

Insights from a leading credit-rating agency illustrate the scope of the financial challenges facing not-for-profit hospitals in 2023.

Nick Hut January 10, 2023

Less can be more: New considerations for hospital and health system partnerships

A range of affiliation structures and contractual obligations that stop short of full integration can offer an attractive alternative for hospital and health system partnerships contending with difficult operating environments.

Courtney Midanek October 21, 2022

Why owning a health plan is a good provider strategy

The trend toward increased ownership of health plans by health systems shows no signs of slowing as health systems are increasingly recognizing the importance of having their primary focus be on health and health outcomes rather than on the number of visits or procedures. A health system leader describes the advantages of health plan ownership and strategic considerations for pursuing this approach.

Scott Nordlund October 21, 2022

Finance and IT Collaboration Survey Report

HFMA, with sponsorship by CereCore, surveyed 238 healthcare CFOs and finance executives to understand what healthcare finance professionals expect from their IT colleagues, how they currently collaborate and what improvements can be made.

HFMA October 19, 2022

CVS Health gains capabilities in home healthcare and value-based care with massive deal to buy Signify Health

CVS Health’s announced acquisition of Signify Health is a key step in the company’s efforts to establish a comprehensive healthcare network.

Nick Hut October 4, 2022

Hospitals issue plea for healthcare policymakers to do more to buttress the industry

The American Hospital Association and hospital leaders say recent financial trends are unsustainable for many organizations.

Nick Hut September 20, 2022

Premier’s ERP solution specifically addresses healthcare organization challenges

A company that addresses unique healthcare challenges through supply chain, finance and workforce management solutions provides advice for successful implementation of a new product or service.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Ensemble helps healthcare organizations remove payer barriers, streamline processes and systems and implement strategies to increase patient loyalty

Find out how one company works with clients to ensure healthcare providers can navigate reimbursement complexity, adapt to payer changes and overcome obstacles.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Oracle-Cerner deal has the potential to transform healthcare

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Oracle’s purchase of Cerner has the potential to transform the healthcare industry, Medicare spending on physician services during 2020 never recovered to pre-pandemic levels, and patients would leave a provider after a data breach of personal information.

Deborah Filipek August 26, 2022

The implications of Amazon’s deal to buy One Medical: What healthcare providers should know

Amazon’s announced purchase of One Medical for nearly $4 billion should spur providers to fortify their primary care strategies.

Nick Hut August 25, 2022
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