Strategic Planning

Medically Tailored Meals More Than Pay for Themselves

Lori Wiviott Tishler, MD, describes the Commonwealth Care Alliance’s approach to partnering with community-based organizations to provide medically tailored meals to members in need.

Lori Wiviott Tishler February 18, 2019

Repeal of the Individual Mandate Means More Uncompensated Care

The individual mandate has driven an increase in the number of insured patients, and without it, hospitals are likely to face more uninsured patients and more patients with high co-pays and deductibles.

Ed Avis February 14, 2019

hfm Blog Archives: January-March 2019

Catch up on all of the hfm blog posts published between January and March 2019.

HFMA January 10, 2019

Strategies for Crafting Stop-Loss Contracts

Chris Williams explains how to craft stop-loss contracts for employee health plans.

Chris Williams January 10, 2019

Is 2019 the Beginning of the Post-Hospital Era?

John Johnston explains the importance of looking toward the future, today.

John Johnston December 18, 2018

Strategic Financial Planning: Winter 2019

Subscribers can access the Winter 2019 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA December 10, 2018

Rebalancing the Portfolio

As they modify their strategies to account for change in 2019, healthcare organizations should consider how risks and rewards might have changed and where they might best redeploy their dollars.

Keith D. Moore, MCP November 28, 2018

Successful Healthcare Financial Management Requires Imagination and a Solid Plan

Although many healthcare finance leaders may feel that strategic planning is second nature to them, they can benefit from routinely revisiting the process to learn from the experiences of others and to ensure that are taking all the steps that are necessary for success.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA November 1, 2018

hfm Magazine: November 2018

The November 2018 edition of hfm explores people and culture in healthcare finance, focusing on performance improvement, academic-community relationships, and care delivery.

HFMA November 1, 2018

4 Tactics of Effective Strategic Technology Planning for the Digital Future

With the going transformation of the nation’s healthcare system, digital technology will play an increasing role in how health care is managed and delivered, making it critical for healthcare organizations to have a clear strategy for acquiring and implementing it.

Todd Fitz October 29, 2018
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