Strategic Planning

Empowering patients in a time of crisis

This infographic explores how healthcare organizations are expanding patient payment methods due to COVID-19 and the reason these new payment strategies are significant.

HFMA February 1, 2021

Navigating the unimaginable: A COVID-19 panel discussion with senior financial executives

A panel discussion with three CFOs of different health systems and hospitals focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on operational priorities and strategic directions.

HFMA February 1, 2021

How to use influence to enhance your powers of persuasion in the workplace

To exert influence, leaders should strive to establish credibility, reliability and empathy and know how to connect with different members of their teams.

Jill Geisler January 26, 2021

Real strategy for healthcare real estate

Hospital and health system leaders should devote the same level of strategic focus and analytical rigor to their organizations’ real estate as they apply elsewhere within the enterprise.

Matt Robbins, CFA January 22, 2021

Have hospital-at-home programs finally come of age?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated interest in developing and expanding hospital-at-home programs. For healthcare organizations that are pursuing risk-based contracting with an APM, a hospital-at-home program offers the potential to improve care and reduce costs for a segment of the patient population.

M. Orry Jacobs January 22, 2021

‘History favors the bold’: The digital transformation mandate for the healthcare industry

Hospitals and health systems need to implement digital technologies and processes to keep up with societal and industry changes, according to a featured presentation at HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

The pandemic’s disruption of the healthcare industry creates opportunities for innovative organizations

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the sheer scale of disruption from the pandemic to providers’ finances, purchasers’ pocketbooks and care delivery models should create opportunities for innovative organizations.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 22, 2021

Amid ‘dire’ losses, some eye restart of hospital elective surgeries

As hospitals' financial losses mount, guidance emerges on restarting elective surgeries.

Rich Daly January 22, 2021

From rules and regulations to innovation and disruption: The best of HFMA’s 2020 Digital Annual Conference

HFMA’s Annual Conference went all-digital for the first time in 2020, showcasing relevant content to a virtual audience of healthcare finance professionals.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

Why healthcare organizations should adopt a transformational mindset coming out of COVID-19

As the healthcare industry starts to look beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders should consider how they can go beyond recovery to transform their operations.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021
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