Strategic Partnerships Mergers and Acquisitions

Short-Term Financial Hit for Hospitals Post-M&A: Report

Contrary to expectations, there is no immediate turnaround in the finances of acquired hospitals, according to an HFMA and Deloitte study.

Rich Daly November 27, 2017

Key CFO Considerations for Implementing Provider-Sponsored Health Plans

CFOs should consider patient volume, potential partners, and costs—which can be $15 million to $25 million to cover startup expenses—when entering into a payer-provider joint venture to build a provider-sponsored health plan.

Laura Ramos Hegwer November 27, 2017

Healthcare Transactions: 3Q 2017

For the third quarter of 2017, Ponder & Co. tracked 26 transactions involving hospital change of control.

HFMA November 14, 2017

How to Be a Good Payer Partner

Health plans seek provider partners who are organized for population health, and CFOs can provide the leadership to guide such infrastructure investments.

Laura Ramos Hegwer November 7, 2017

Questions to Address When Assessing a Deal s Potential for Realizing Value

The key questions for any given deal will depend on why the organization that is pursuing the transaction is doing so, what it hopes to achieve, and what information it requires to make well informed decisions about the path forward.

HFMA October 27, 2017

Using Due Diligence to Optimize Post-Transaction Benefits

When exploring potential mergers or other partnership transactions, healthcare organizations should not underestimate the importance of performing effective due-diligence to gauge whether the transactions can deliver the desired value.

Daniel M. Grauman October 27, 2017

Research: Hospital Mergers & Acquisitions

A joint study by HFMA and Deloitte explores how hospital merger and acquisition activity has increased significantly in the past decade, driven by the pursuit of economies of scale and the potential for reducing the cost of care.

HFMA October 10, 2017

Health Insurance and Hospital System Financing at a Glance

Healthcare leaders should understand the fundamental differences between health insurers and hospital systems in terms of financing structures and key performance metrics.

Kurt J. Wrobel, FSA, MAAA October 4, 2017

Contemplating the Personal Side of Healthcare Integration

When considering a merger or affiliation, healthcare leaders can examine the proposal from a personal vantage point, as if the discussions of the transaction were a dialogue between individuals.

Keith D. Moore, MCP October 2, 2017

How Consolidation Is Changing Healthcare Markets

Healthcare organizations contemplating opportunities for consolidation can benefit from performing a detailed analysis that considers potential impacts of a variety of possible scenarios.

Keith D. Moore, MCP July 31, 2017
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