Staff Development

Hospital Saves $49M by Engaging Department Leaders

Small-scale projects to reduce waste and improve efficiency can add up to boost hospital bottom lines. The key is tapping leaders’ knowledge of what processes need to change.

Laura Ramos Hegwer December 12, 2018

Developing Talent in the Revenue Cycle

A health system created a training program for revenue cycle leaders, resulting in improved performance.

Wendy Burns December 11, 2018

The Healthcare Finance Fellowship: Benefits for the Organization and the Young Professional

Three professionals with experience in the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization’s Finance Fellowship program explain how the program works and why it is so important.

Elizabeth Aremu November 27, 2018

Steps to Effective Succession Management

Leaders of healthcare organizations can use a 90-day plan to implement the initial stages of a succession management plan.

Marty Martin November 21, 2018

Succession Planning as a Strategic Initiative

Hospitals and health systems can groom future leaders using methods such as analytics, performance evaluations, and formal development programs.

Laura Ramos Hegwer November 18, 2018

AI Meets Health Care’s Turnover Problem

One health system found that artificial intelligence (AI) can provide an effective means to ensure the right nurses are hired for the right roles, which helps it meet strategic goals on quality, satisfaction, and costs.

Florence S. Chang September 27, 2018

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Considering Security Staff Benchmarks

Clyde Hewitt presents areas of concern when determining appropriate staffing for information security.

Clyde Hewitt August 17, 2018

Ask the Experts: Defined Contribution Plan Policies

I am looking for a sample policy on current defined contribution plans based on ERISA and Department of Labor requirements.

HFMA August 15, 2018

How Companies Can Reap the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion

Workplace initiatives to enhance workforce diversity and inclusiveness give companies a competitive advantage, says D&I expert Kim Drumgo.

Lisa Towers June 15, 2018

How to Retain High-Performing Employees

Losing high-performing employees can hamper an organization in many ways. Clear communication and proactive goal-setting can improve job satisfaction for those employees and make it more likely that they will stay.

Stacey McCreery June 14, 2018
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