Self Payment Collection

Responsive Payment Support: Finding the Right Balance for Patients With HDHPs

With growing numbers of self-pay patients face difficulties in meeting their payment obligations, healthcare providers can assist them by providing responsive payment support, including offers of tailored payment plans 

John Talaga December 20, 2017

How Self-Service Check-In Is Changing the Psychology of Patient Payment

Brian Stone explains how self check-in can improve patient satisfaction and ensure timely payment.

Brian Stone December 8, 2017

Optimize Patient Payments with a Unified Merchant Services Solution

By using a unified merchant services approach, healthcare organizations can give patients the ability to pay how they want, where they want, and when they want—opening opportunities to optimize revenue streams and cash flow in the process.

Arkady Fridman September 20, 2017

TCPA Lawsuits Are Exploding

The TCPA was never intended to prohibit or negatively affect legitimate business-related calls, but that has been the result of court decisions allowing class action lawsuits.

HFMA September 5, 2017

Patients as Payers: An Analysis of Current Trends

Patient payments have increased overall, but the actual dollar value of most individual transactions decreased by 3 percent, potentially indicating that patients are finding it difficult to come up with all the money owed at point of service.

Dustin Hamilton August 29, 2017

Are You Prepared for These Three Self-Pay Risks?

Hospitals face risks associated with three major statutes that impact revenue cycle processes: autodialer rules, debt collection, and charity care requirements. 

Leslie Newman August 29, 2017

Let Data Drive the Design

Healthcare providers can use methodical statement design approaches to successfully engage patients in the billing process. 

Bryce Bruner July 14, 2017

Forum Networking Webinar: Patient Financial Communications: Presbyterian Healthcare Services Case Study

A revenue cycle leader describes an award-winning patient financial communications program that includes processes for scheduled, unscheduled, emergency, and self-pay patients.

HFMA July 6, 2017

Strategies to Assist Uninsured Patients

Wooster Community Hospital reaches out to uninsured patients with package pricing and Medicaid application assistance.

Julie A. Jacob April 18, 2017

Self-Pay Patient Financial Liability: A Hospital’s Biggest Post-Election Challenge

As a result of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act and rising self-pay responsibility among consumers, a growing number of consumers could find themselves unable to pay their portions of their healthcare bills, raising financial challenges for providers.

Jeff Goldsmith, PhD January 31, 2017
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