Self Payment Collection

TransUnion survey on consumerism: Healthcare consumers want to know the price of a service in advance

Healthcare organizations that have increased availability of price estimates and facilitate clear conversations about the account resolution process anecdotally report improvements in self-pay collections and patient satisfaction, says HFMA's Chad Mulvany.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 22, 2021

Professional Credit: Engaging Patients in Their Financial Journeys

In this article, Professional Credit discusses how it helps healthcare organizations effectively and positively engage patients throughout their healthcare financial journeys.

HFMA January 14, 2021

Managing self-pay with a patient satisfaction mindset: 4 tips for success

Given the continuing growth of self-pay and rising insurance deductibles, how you collect on self-pay balances has never been more important to your financial health and prospects.

HFMA January 6, 2021

Survey: Revenue cycle continuity is imperative during the COVID-19 pandemic

See the key takeaways from hospital and health systems’ leaders, who share their perspectives on COVID-19 and its effect on the revenue cycle during the HFMA Digital Annual Conference.

HFMA November 30, 2020

What can providers do as COVID-19 poses increased headwinds to uninsured rate

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says as the number of uninsured patients increases, providers will need to have medical accounts resolution processes in place that stress patient education and engagement as early in the process as possible.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 12, 2020

Why healthcare providers should rethink their approach to self-pay collections | HMA

Prepayment is an option for patient self-pay collections that can contribute to a positive experience for patients and improved revenue cycle performance for a provider organization.

Eric Fry October 23, 2020

Offering long-term payment plans to meet the financial needs of patients

A forward-thinking bank talks about its accessible patient finance program, which gives patients a way to afford care while ensuring timely payment for healthcare organizations.

HFMA August 31, 2020

Rethinking patient payments and providing a consumer-friendly experience

An innovative healthcare technology company talks about how its technology-fueled billing and payment platform enables a compassionate patient financial experience while efficiently driving revenue into a healthcare organization.

HFMA July 31, 2020

Hospitals scramble for short-term commercial, federal loans in response to coronmavirus

Hospitals are looking for more short-term commercial loans and federal loans to bolster their responses to the coronavirus.

Rich Daly April 1, 2020

Eliminating cost as a barrier to healthcare

An innovative financial services company talks about how it addresses patient payment pain points, offering patients interest-free payment arrangements without any fees and helping healthcare organizations improve self-pay collections without increasing domestic spend.

HFMA March 31, 2020
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