Self Payment Collection

How to increase point-of-service collections

Processes to improve out-of-pocket estimates and request upfront payments significantly increased point-of-service collections.

Michelle Fox May 28, 2019

Ask the Experts: Patient Payment Plan Structures

What criteria should we use to set minimum payments for patient payment plans?

HFMA May 14, 2019

The Plain Community: Meeting a Unique Consumer Healthcare Challenge

Jeff Goldsmith, John Porter, and Maria Royce describe one health system’s effective solution for addressing the healthcare needs of a religious community whose belief systems prevent them from accessing care via common, mainstream approaches. 

John Porter May 7, 2019

The Plain Community: Meeting a Unique Consumer Healthcare Challenge

Jeff Goldsmith, John Porter, and Maria Royce describe one health system’s effective solution for addressing the healthcare needs of a religious community whose belief systems prevent them from accessing care via common, mainstream approaches. 

John Porter February 28, 2019

Efforts to Address Surprise Medical Billing Could Yield a Bipartisan Solution

The current political climate could pose a barrier to a solution for Congress solving surprise medical bills from providers outside of patients’ networks through legislation.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD February 26, 2019

Small Percentage of Uninsured Patients Generate Most of Hospitals’ Self-Pay Payments

Focusing on accounts that are most likely to be paid in full and identifying billable insurance can help hospitals tackle self-pay challenges.

HFMA February 4, 2019

Valuing Patients as Consumers

February marks National Wise Health Care Consumer Month. HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer encourages healthcare finance leaders to reflect on what their organizations are doing to help patients and community members feel valued as consumers. 

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 23, 2019

Recalibrating Payment in the Era of Consumerism

Among the key functions of an effective patient access program are to ensure patients receive clear and concise bills for their health care and to make those bills easy for patients to pay at the time of service.

Scott Herbst November 28, 2018

Boston Children’s Journey to a Better Healthcare Payment Experience

An electronic payment system can help a hospital increase revenue.

Kevin Pawl November 20, 2018

The Compounding Effect of Patient Satisfaction

Alan Nalle describes how to maximize a patient’s lifetime value through a better payment experience.

Alan Nalle October 30, 2018
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