Patient Financial Communications

FAQs About the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices® and Adopter Recognition

View frequently asked questions about the Patient Financial Best Practices and the Adopter Recognition Program.

HFMA August 10, 2015

FAQs about Patient Financial Communications

When is it OK to have financial discussions with patients? A reasonable attempt should be made to have the discussion as early as possible, before a financial obligation is incurred (i.e., before care is provided). Timely discussions

HFMA August 10, 2015

Communications Best Practices Measurement Criteria

These measurement criteria are based on the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices.

HFMA October 23, 2013

Best Practices for Communications in All Settings

This section of the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices addresses communication for all settings.

HFMA October 23, 2013

Patient Financial Communications Adopter Recognition Program

Show that you've implemented best practices for patient financial communications. Let HFMA recognize your organization as a Patient Financial Communications Adopter.

HFMA October 14, 2013

Patient Financial Communications Steering Committee

The Patient Financial Communications Best Practices were developed by steering committee of experts, including representatives of patients, hospitals, physicians, and others.

HFMA October 14, 2013

Best Practices for Communications in Advance of Service

This section of the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices addresses communication in advance of service.

HFMA October 14, 2013

Best Practices for Communications at the Time of Service

This section of the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices addresses communication at the time of service outside the emergency department.

HFMA October 14, 2013

Best Practices for Communications in the Emergency Department

This section of the Patient Financial Communications Best Practices addresses communication in the emergency department.

HFMA October 14, 2013

Patient Friendly Billing Project

The Patient Friendly Billing® project promotes clear, concise, and correct patient-friendly financial communications.

HFMA October 17, 2012
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