Cone Health Overhauls Patient Engagement Strategy
New patient statements and a web portal helped Cone Health increase patient cash collection by nearly $13 million during a two-year period.
Forum Networking Webinar: Patient Financial Communications: Presbyterian Healthcare Services Case Study
A revenue cycle leader describes an award-winning patient financial communications program that includes processes for scheduled, unscheduled, emergency, and self-pay patients.
Yale New Haven Hospital Homeless Patient Screening Tool
Yale New Haven Hospital asks specific housing-related questions to determine whether patients are homeless.
Screening and Coding for Homelessness
Health systems are recognizing that homelessness is a root cause of high healthcare utilization, but most systems do not screen and code for homelessness. Revenue cycle, patient access, and coding staff can play a role to improve homeless patient outcomes and reduce avoidable utilization by screening for and documenting homelessness.
Ensuring Proper Payments for Substance Abuse Services
Substance abuse treatment providers can maximize payments through contract negotiations and eligibility verification and precertification processes.
Why Health Plans Are Easing Preauthorization
In an attempt to build cooperative working relationships with physicians, some health plans are trying to reduce the burden of preauthorization.
Tackling Preservice Pricing Plans
Despite evidence that patient demand for preservice pricing is growing, only 30 percent of patients are being offered pre-treatment cost estimates.
Revenue Cycle Department Gives Beyond Its Patient Access Services
MetroHealth’s revenue cycle staff work together to assist the local community with basic needs as well as healthcare access and financing.
Personalizing Statements to Enhance Patient Engagement
UPMC embeds QR codes in its patient statements to enable consumers to use their smartphones to pay their bills.
Case Study: Physician Revenue Cycle Improvements in an Integrated Health System
Benefis Health System undertook a physician revenue cycle improvement initiative in part to ensure patients would have a consistently positive billing and payment experience across its delivery system.