Revenue Cycle

HFMA’s December Chicago Seminars focus on revenue cycle essentials, value-based payment and chargemaster strategies

Register now at to learn about the most pressing issues in the industry today during a two-day focused education Dec. 5 and 6 in Chicago.

Erika Grotto January 21, 2020

Revenue Cycle Strategist December 2019

The December 2019 issue of Revenue Cycle Strategist features articles on building a chargemaster, new coding changes for 2020, revenue integrity, evaluating and management charges and patient financing.

HFMA January 17, 2020

Big divergence nationally found among hospitals both in billed charges and amounts paid

A national consultancy found large disparities in what hospitals charge and in the revenue they garner for most common services.

Rich Daly January 16, 2020

BESLER: Full-service Transfer DRG revenue recovery

BESLER talks about its Transfer DRG revenue recovery service that helps hospitals recover monies they have rightfully earned while maintaining compliance.

HFMA January 16, 2020

Rising out-of-pocket cost of having a baby can impact hospital revenue and reputation

The increase in consumer out-of-pocket costs for having a baby can have a negative impact on both a hospital’s financial performance and its perception in the community.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 15, 2020

Analysis: How one health system is using food as medicine with great results

HFMA’s Katie Gilfillan discusses how ProMedica, a Toledo, Ohio-based healthcare organization serving communities in 28 states has operated food pharmacies at three of its medical clinics and describes the positive results from the health system's efforts.

Katie Gilfillan, MSW, CHFP January 2, 2020

Auth-DP software helps streamline prior authorizations to reduce denials

A leading revenue cycle technology company talks about how its innovative prior authorization software streamlines the process of checking for, obtaining and following up on prior authorizations, saving organizations millions in avoided denials.

HFMA January 2, 2020

Evolving toward engagement: The recent history of patient segmentation

It’s no longer sufficient to classify a patient’s propensity to pay as “red, green or yellow.” To truly optimize collections, health systems should consider intelligent segmentation.

John Talaga January 2, 2020

Analysis: FY20 appropriations bills passed – lessons for potential future healthcare legislation

A review of the FY20 appropriations package to fund the federal government and a couple of ideas on lessons that might be applied to future efforts to expand coverage.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA December 30, 2019

Enrollment largely stable in ACA marketplaces

There will be no practical impact from any court ruling on the Affordable Care Act until a Supreme Court decision comes down in 2020 at the earliest.

Rich Daly December 26, 2019
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