Revenue Cycle Management

Hospital groups urge changes to Provider Relief Fund distribution and reporting processes

HHS should send out the upcoming Provider Relief Fund distribution as quickly as possible and offer flexibility in the ongoing reporting process, hospital groups said.

Nick Hut September 30, 2021

Autonomous coding, it won’t hurt a bit with CodaMetrix

Coding at hospitals and health systems can take hours each day and can cost up to $7 billion in one year. However, one company encourages its use of artificial intelligence technology to reduce both cost and time of coding.

HFMA September 30, 2021

Time for another extension of the COVID-19 public health emergency?

Hospitals and other healthcare providers are starting to ask whether it would be prudent and appropriate for the government-declared public health emergency (PHE) to be extended once again.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD September 30, 2021

Focus on thought leadership and better practices: A testament to HFMA’s vision and purpose

From its very inception, HFMA has embraced the idea of thought leadership and professional practice. Major milestones have included the Principles and Practices Board, The Patient Friendly Billing Project, The Value Project and the recent focus on consumerism.

Eric C. Reese, PhD September 30, 2021

Q&A: What healthcare professionals can do to stay safe while traveling and attending live events

Mayo Clinic’s Sean C. Dowdy shares best practices healthcare professionals can use to stay safe while traveling and attending live events, and he discusses what Mayo Clinic’s COVID-19 modeling shows for Olmsted County in Minnesota.

Deborah Filipek September 29, 2021

After a long wait, HHS sends out details on the next Provider Relief Fund distributions

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced $25.5 billion in upcoming distributions from the Provider Relief Fund.

Nick Hut September 28, 2021

The future of the clinical workforce: Joyce Fitzpatrick, Case Western Reserve University, and Robyn Begley, CEO of the AONL and chief nursing officer of the AHA, discuss challenges in nursing

Joyce Fitzpatrick, a nurse and director of the Marian K. Shaughnessy Nurse Leadership Academy at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University and Robyn Begley, CEO of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and the chief nursing officer for the American Hospital Association, discuss the challenges facing the nursing profession.

Erika Grotto September 27, 2021

Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, September 2021

HFMA’s Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, is a monthly e-newsletter that will explore ways to ensure healthcare delivery in the United States is not only financially sustainable but also cost effective for all of its stakeholders — including health systems, physicians, health plans and patients. In this inaugural issue of the report, healthcare futurist Jeff Goldsmith shares his perspectives on the need for a focus on improving cost effectiveness of health as a societal imperative.

HFMA September 27, 2021

Recipients of COVID-19 vaccine boosters won’t have to pay anything out of pocket, CMS confirms

Medicare beneficiaries will owe nothing out of pocket for receiving an authorized booster dose, and the same applies to almost all Medicaid beneficiaries and most commercial health plan members.

Nick Hut September 26, 2021

Healthcare price transparency initiatives may fall flat due to systemic factors, expert says

Niall Brennan, a leading expert on healthcare cost drivers, is among the skeptics who doubt the ongoing price transparency push can result in a more efficient system.

Nick Hut September 23, 2021
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