Ask the Experts: Robotics
How are healthcare organizations implementing charge master items for the da Vinci robot, including the disposable products?
Ask the Experts: Benchmarks for Credit Balances
What benchmark statistics are available to set key performance indicator goals for credit balances and undistributed payments for hospitals and physician practices?
Forum Webinar: Bundled Payment Models: CJR and More
During this May 17, 2016, webinar, a hospital leader and a bundled payment expert shared their perspectives about the challenges of implementing bundled payment programs, specifically related to orthopedic episodes and physician engagement.
HFMA Executive Survey: Self Pay and the Benefits of Prospective Patient Engagement
HFMA researchers—with sponsorship from Parallon―surveyed senior finance executives and revenue cycle leaders to learn about their organizations' self-pay processes and patient financial engagement efforts. Survey findings paint a picture of the current state of patient collections and reveal key areas for improvement, including pre-service pricing, automation, and presumptive charity care.
When Patients Decline To Buy Exchange Coverage
Three revenue cycle leaders explain how their organizations extend financial assistance to patients who decline to obtain coverage from an insurance exchange, even though they are eligible to do so.
Raising Red Flags for Coder Quality in ICD-10
By analyzing coder performance data, organizations pinpoint revenue vulnerabilities and mitigate reimbursement risk.
Ask the Experts: Hospital Financial Statistics
What is the average amount of time to be used to calculate accounts receivable (A/R) days and days cash-on-hand?
Two-Midnight Rule Redux
Concerns about the two-midnight rule continue, but experts insist that they can be overcome with better education of utilization review and case management staff.
Ask the Experts: Self-Pay Discount Policies
Our hospital is developing a self-pay discount policy. What are some of the legal ramifications we should be aware of?
Developing an Effective Revenue Cycle Meeting Agenda
An effective revenue cycle department meeting covers KPI updates, challenges and successes, and input from other department leaders as needed.