Revenue Cycle

A look at early hospital concerns over the proposed release of negotiated charges

National hospital advocates, individual executives and an industry adviser identified early concerns with the proposed mandatory release of hospital-negotiated charges.

Rich Daly July 31, 2019

How ‘digital transformation’ will help, hurt hospital finances

Hospitals can expect new revenue opportunities, increased near-term costs and loss of revenue to new competitors due to expanding digital technologies in healthcare, according to Moody’s Investors Service.

Rich Daly July 29, 2019

HFMA Survey: OP Data Capture

HFMA is seeking input on your hospital's ability to group/capture APC data. This information is crucial to the work of HFMA’s chargemaster taskforce and will help HFMA provide guidance to CMS on transparency initiatives.

HFMA July 29, 2019

HFMA Survey: Chargemaster Costing Capabilities

HFMA is gathering information to understand hospitals' costing capabilities at the inpatient discharge and outpatient visit/service level.

HFMA July 25, 2019

2 states take the lead in implementing innovative healthcare reforms

Washington and Colorado are seeking to funnel noteworthy innovations in healthcare reform, including a public option, through their Medicaid infrastructures.

Pam Nicholson, MBA July 25, 2019

First, last and only: Seizing the opportunity for patient financial conversations

Eric Foust of IntegraConnect and Chris Watanabe, a former executive at the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority, talk about the particular challenges of collecting patient information during an ambulance transport. Then, in a sponsored segment by CareCredit, senior vice president Tuck Ross will talk about the behavior and treatment of patients as consumers.

Erika Grotto July 19, 2019

Analysis: Out-of-pocket costs increased faster than wages in 2018

The latest TransUnion Healthcare report shows a 12% increase in patient out-of-pocket costs while wages grew only 3%, proving the need for hospitals and health systems to engage patients in a discussion about their out-of-pocket responsibility.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 15, 2019

Chargemaster reviews promote outpatient revenue integrity

We are experiencing increased denials and loss of revenue as a result of chargemaster issues related to outpatient services coding. What steps can we take to identify the issues and clean up the chargemaster?

Caroline DeLaCruz July 7, 2019

8 KPIs for measuring Medicaid eligibility and advocacy

A regular KPI review process will allow revenue cycle leaders to identify problems and develop a plan for remediation.

Marie Hinds July 7, 2019

Positive patient experiences lead to timely payments

The shifting healthcare landscape is turning more patients into payers.

David Shelton July 5, 2019
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