Financial Counseling

How to ensure a positive patient financial experience

Creating the ideal patient billing experience not only improves revenue cycle performance, but also boosts patient satisfaction and quality scores.

HFMA July 7, 2021

How revenue cycle teams can maintain effective patient financial services in a distanced world

Amid the challenging times of COVD-19, it is critical for revenue cycle leaders to educate themselves about best practices either created or refined during the pandemic to effectively promote patient financial engagement in today’s world of social distancing.

Craig Webster March 29, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Pandemic could lead to deceleration of U.S. annual health spending

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles, including why the pandemic may cause health spending to decelerate, a look at how most consumers are hit with large bills after just one healthcare visit and more insights on the toll of COVID-19 on healthcare workers.

Deborah Filipek February 12, 2021

A proactive approach to comprehensive clinical asset management helps healthcare systems maintain financial health

One company discusses its goal to help other health systems in keeping medical equipment throughout its full life expectancy, especially in a time of financial struggle.

HFMA February 1, 2021

HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with more virtual education for healthcare finance professionals

HFMA's Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with a focus on optimizing performance with the latest KPIs, using analytics strategies to lower cost and maximize revenue and using behavioral economics to engage patients.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

3 keys for hospitals seeking to establish a work-from-home setup for patient financial services

During a six-year process to move its Patient Financial Services department to a full-time work-from-home setup, Spectrum Health learned key lessons and best practices.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

TransUnion survey on consumerism: Healthcare consumers want to know the price of a service in advance

Healthcare organizations that have increased availability of price estimates and facilitate clear conversations about the account resolution process anecdotally report improvements in self-pay collections and patient satisfaction, says HFMA's Chad Mulvany.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 22, 2021

What can providers do as COVID-19 poses increased headwinds to uninsured rate

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says as the number of uninsured patients increases, providers will need to have medical accounts resolution processes in place that stress patient education and engagement as early in the process as possible.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 12, 2020

Racial disparities in business processes can exacerbate financial barriers to healthcare: What leaders should know

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer explains what healthcare leaders can do to reduce health inequities related to business operations.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA October 13, 2020

How healthcare providers can help the 5.4 million people that have lost insurance

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says healthcare providers adherence to HFMA's medical accounts receivable resolution best practices can help them increase cash balance yields, avoid negative publicity and treat patients the right way.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 23, 2020
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