Billing and Collections

Forum Webinar: Bundled Payment Models: CJR and More

During this May 17, 2016, webinar, a hospital leader and a bundled payment expert shared their perspectives about the challenges of  implementing bundled payment programs, specifically related to orthopedic episodes and physician engagement.

HFMA July 1, 2016

When Patients Decline To Buy Exchange Coverage

Three revenue cycle leaders explain how their organizations extend financial assistance to patients who decline to obtain coverage from an insurance exchange, even though they are eligible to do so.

Lola Butcher May 12, 2016

Developing an Effective Revenue Cycle Meeting Agenda

An effective revenue cycle department meeting covers KPI updates, challenges and successes, and input from other department leaders as needed.

Ed Avis April 5, 2016

Millennials Set Pace for Healthcare and Revenue Cycle Management

Millenials want convenient onsite and virtual healthcare service options as well as transparent pricing and easy-to-use payment tools.

Ann Garnier April 5, 2016

How CHRISTUS Health Supports Exchange Enrollment

CHRISTUS Health appoints regional executives who work with coalition partners to reach market-specific health insurance exchange enrollment goals.

Lola Butcher February 9, 2016

Ask the Experts: Attorney Fees for Collections

I discovered that a law firm is adding an “attorney fee” on its first patient collection letter. Is this compliant with collection guidelines?

HFMA February 9, 2016

Cash Recovery: How Richmond University Medical Center Repaired 6 Areas to Boost A/R

Richmond University Medical Center increased revenue by $19 million over a three-year period by improving preauthorization and registration flow and developing committees to work with payers, among other strategies.

Erin Murphy January 11, 2016

Utilization Review Reduces Inpatient Denials

Covenant Health’s utilization review strategies have helped the health system recoup the difference between inpatient and observation status payments.

Karen Wagner November 17, 2015

Ask the Experts: Collection KPIs

Can you share collection rate benchmarks for third-party extended business offices?

HFMA November 2, 2015

Ask the Experts: Billing Staff Metrics

What are the standards for biller activity and productivity?

HFMA October 7, 2015
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