Return on Investment

5 ways end-to-end RCM improves the employee experience

In today’s healthcare landscape, it can be very difficult to find and retain top talent. The key? Improve the employee experience. See the 5 ways end-to-end RCM can enhance your team’s day-to-day, creating a superior work environment that speaks for itself. Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to improve the employee experience by enabling more…

HFMA August 18, 2023

Finance and IT Collaboration Survey Report

HFMA, with sponsorship by CereCore, surveyed 238 healthcare CFOs and finance executives to understand what healthcare finance professionals expect from their IT colleagues, how they currently collaborate and what improvements can be made.

HFMA October 19, 2022

How to Structure Data Governance in Healthcare; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 1

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022

Measuring What Matters; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 2

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022

Realizing ROI on Data Governance and Analytics in Healthcare; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 3

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022
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