Analyzing the Frequency of Changes Among Worksheets in Medicare’s HCRIS
A study ranked worksheets providers use in filing Medicare cost reports by the frequency with which they needed to be updated, highlighting some areas requiring special attention from individuals charged with completing the cost reports.
Healthcare Executives Dissatisfied with Cost Transformation Progress
A Kaufman Hall survey found that 75 percent of healthcare executive respondents rate their cost transformation success as average to below average.
Cost Accounting Talent and Resources: The Missing Link to Support Cost Transformation
Cost accounting teams with the time and expertise to accurately and efficiently produce, interpret, and socialize data throughout hospitals and health systems is an investment with huge potential returns.
Ask the Experts: Cost Report for Cardiac Rehab Services
I am looking for assistance with the cost report treatment for our new intensive cardiac rehabilitation service. In most respects, this service operates like a department of the hospital.
United HealthCare ACO Contract Emphasizes Quality
The NexusACO health plan incentivizes patients to use top-performing physicians.
Targeted Care Integration Can Help Drive Success Under Risk Contracts
Providers can avoid many of the missed opportunities associated with risk contracts by carefully reviewing the targeted patient population, narrowing the number of performance metrics, and selecting the right clinicians to participate.
Understanding Quality Components and Metrics
Quality metrics are an essential consideration in shared savings or shared risk contracts. Information about these metrics typically is located in an appendix, addendum, or exhibit. The provider organization should be familiar with and understand the specific measures. For each
Setting Competitive Prices with the Consumer in Mind
Finance leaders face a difficult balancing act when setting prices, particularly for new services.
Catching Up on Your MIPS Strategy
A MIPS implementation plan involves creating a team, choosing metrics and a reporting mechanism, and looking at the new Medicare Part B payment model as part of your broader payer strategy.
Facts in Healthcare Finance: Is Spinning the Numbers Unethical?
A hospital CFO’s ability to separate facts from opinions and perspectives sets the stage for organizational integrity.