The Dangers of “Downcoding” in Emergency Medicine
Kenneth J. Heinrich discusses how “routine emergencies” can result in lost revenue due to incomplete documentation.
New Models Redefine Primary Care
CPC+ is among the advanced primary care initiatives that encourage providers to enhance their approach to health care in a way that boosts quality and patient engagement.
Ask the Experts: Revenue Cycle Metrics
Do you have data on top decile and 50th percentile performance for revenue cycle metrics?
Don’t Triage Transformation
Charleston Area Medical Center Health System and Texas Health Resources are two of the most process-literate health systems in the country today, having dramatically redesigned their leadership and operations to prepare for value and improved performance over several years.
How a Ride-Sharing Program Drives Better Patient Experiences
CareMore’s Scott Rinefort describes a ride-sharing partnership that has boosted patient satisfaction with the organization’s nonemergency medical transportation services.
The Hospital’s Expanding Authority over Authorizations: The Good, the Bad and the Reality
Heather Kawamoto underscores the need for hospitals to improve on the slow manual process of requesting authorizations as they take on this responsibility.
Three Rivers Health Uses Analytics to Accomplish Financial Turnaround
A rural Michigan hospital regained its financial footing after integrating disparate financial systems into one platform and leveraging new analytics tools to lead process improvement efforts.
Productivity Growth Remains a Key Success Factor in the New Healthcare Economy
There is little question that 2017 will be another year of unprecedented change for health care, potentially signaling another positive step toward better aligning systems to achieve the Triple Aim.
Alternative Payment Model Initiatives at Banner Health
Banner Health participates in a variety of alternative payment models, including the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, Oncology Care Model, bundled payments, and more.
Patient Engagement: Establishing Patients as Partners in Care
Dorothy Fisher, MD, writes that successfully engaging patients requires thinking like them and offering robust resources and service choices.