
Making price transparency easy for patients

Proactive providers are preparing for additional price transparency requirements to ensure they not only comply with government regulations, but also provide patients with enough information to make informed healthcare decisions.

Rebecca A. Marsh September 13, 2019

Supporters of releasing privately negotiated health plan rates dominate public comments

Supporters of a proposal for hospitals to release their health plan-negotiated rates, so far, have dominated comments on it to CMS.

Rich Daly August 31, 2019

Why the call for price transparency is a call for innovation

To navigate and respond to the murky issue of price transparency, hospitals and health systems must innovate.

Jeff Helton,  PHD, FHFMA, CMA, CFE August 1, 2019

Price transparency: A new chapter begins

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer offers a perspective on the executive order on price transparency.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA August 1, 2019

How hospitals can create cost advantage where product differentiation is not present

Cost advantage can be achieved in two ways: Identifying whether efficient levels of cost exist and benchmarking.

William O. Cleverley, PhD July 14, 2019

Is healthcare’s focus shifting from value to pricing?

Federal policy advisers see a shift from value-based payment to policies focused on cutting provider payments.

Rich Daly July 10, 2019

Hospital executives urge colleagues to comment on upcoming transparency rules

Hospital and health leaders were urged by their colleagues to watch for and comment on coming rules implementing this week’s White House executive order on price transparency.

Rich Daly June 28, 2019

Hospitals express concerns on latest transparency order

A new transparency executive order will require proposed rules within two months that could require release of negotiated hospital health plan rates.

Rich Daly June 25, 2019

Opportunities and strategies for improving pharmacy financial performance

A roundtable of senior healthcare financial and pharmaceutical leaders that covers challenges and strategies for improving pharmacy financial performance.

HFMA June 18, 2019

Analysis: Employers are not a monolithic block on Medicare for All

If struggles to control healthcare costs continue, more U.S. employers may change their positions in favor of Medicare for All.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 13, 2019
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