Price Transparency

Price transparency update: 6-figure fines have been handed down for hospital noncompliance

The federal price transparency requirements for hospitals entered a new phase this month, with CMS not only issuing the first fines for noncompliance but also publicizing those penalties.

Nick Hut June 23, 2022

HFMA’s latest Outlook Survey reflects a healthcare industry on more stable footing: 5 takeaways

Recent feedback from HFMA members signals that healthcare finance and administrative operations have returned to something closer to normal in recent months.

Nick Hut June 16, 2022

Price Transparency

Explore how price transparency presents challenges and opportunities for healthcare providers to improve their consumerism appeal, drive value-based care and control healthcare spending.

HFMA June 16, 2022

News Briefs: Federal funding bill addresses hospitals’ 340B eligibility concerns, extends telehealth waivers

A monthly roundup of top news for healthcare finance professionals.

Nick Hut March 29, 2022

Large analysis of hospital websites finds little compliance with price transparency regulations

Fewer than 15% of hospitals are fully compliant with federal price transparency regulations, according to an analysis.

Nick Hut February 14, 2022

News Briefs: Supreme Court ruling allows the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers to proceed

A roundup of top news stories for healthcare finance professionals.

Nick Hut February 1, 2022

Studies find glaring issues with federal price transparency requirements

The first year of federal price transparency regulations for hospitals hasn’t had high rates of compliance, nor has it consistently led to actionable information for consumers, according to two new studies.

Nick Hut December 21, 2021

New surprise billing regulations: How providers should be preparing to fulfill the pending requirement about good-faith estimates

Providers have had a mere three months to implement the processes needed to comply with a new requirement to provide uninsured patients with good-faith estimates in advance of services.

Nick Hut December 16, 2021

CMS makes templates available to help with aspects of the new surprise billing regulations

CMS has published templates and resources that can guide healthcare providers in implementing some of the surprise-billing requirements that take effect in January.

Nick Hut December 2, 2021

Annual Conference Day 1: HFMA’s Fifer talks industry challenges, opportunities and the importance of curiosity

The challenges facing the industry are momentous, but healthcare finance professionals should be optimistic about their ability to help find solutions, HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer said during the kickoff session of the 2021 Annual Conference.

Nick Hut November 9, 2021
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