Population Health Management

Corporate social responsiveness regardless of tax status

A single organization can engage in both corporate social responsibility, driven by compliance with laws, regulations and norms, and corporate social responsiveness, driven by organizational vision, mission and values and often framed as the “right thing to do.”

William Marty Martin December 13, 2019

Healthcare leaders view care coordination as an increasingly vital investment, survey finds

An HFMA survey of healthcare finance leaders found varying approaches to care coordination payment mechanisms, infrastructures and strategies for generating an ROI.

Nick Hut December 13, 2019

Analysis: Taking healthcare to the street is effective for patients and reduces healthcare costs

Healthcare can be more medically effective and cost effective by removing barriers, establishing relationships and engaging patients with interventions that begin where the patient is, including living on the streets.

Katie Gilfillan December 2, 2019

Financial investment in SDOH is not all it will take to help patients

It’s laudable that health systems are committing to funding social determinants of health efforts, but managing interventions for patients will require more deliberate integration, linking of efforts and data sharing.

Katie Gilfillan November 14, 2019

Social determinants of health: Pushing the boundaries of healthcare

Addressing the social determinants of health is vital to improving health outcomes, but meaningful improvement requires new levels of collaboration.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 5, 2019

Analysis: Amazon acquires care navigator to integrate into virtual care solution

A review of how Amazon will monetize what it learns from managing populations now that they have own their own virtual care navigator.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

Analysis: Implications for providers as Amazon offers its employees access to a virtual clinic

A review of what Amazon’s launch of a virtual health clinic for its employees may mean for providers.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 2, 2019

Analysis: CMS final discharge planning rule

A review of the final rule and suggestions for related HFMA resources.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 2, 2019

Analysis: Prevalence of screening for SDOH by U.S. physician practices and hospitals

HFMA’s Katie Gilfillan says although physicians don’t have the training, resources or time to address patients’ SDOH needs, they could screen and refer patients to clinicians and resources more equipped to provide social interventions.

Katie Gilfillan September 25, 2019

Analysis: Optum to empower its physicians via advanced analytics to improve care and coordinate referrals

Once OptumHealth links its physician network to data it gleans from its data analytics engine, referrals from Optum employed and aligned providers will move from high-cost providers to lower-cost, more conservative ones.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA September 9, 2019
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