Early Physician Involvement Vital in Advanced Care Delivery Models
When a healthcare organization plans to implement an advanced care delivery model, early physician involvement is key because of the role that physicians play in many parts of the operation.
Looking Beyond Utilization Management: Controlling Inpatient Cost in a Value-Based Environment
As healthcare costs continue to rise in the United States, physicians have a unique view of how dollars are spent and where the greatest savings opportunities are.
Key Questions to Help Inform Efforts to Develop High Performing Medical Groups
As hospital and health systems move further toward developing high performing employed medical groups, they should consider the following questions Do we need to make changes to physician governance or management to provide greater involvement in decision making and to
Modeling the Financial Benefits of a Physician Adviser Program
Elizabeth Lamkin and Larry Field, DO, describe how healthcare organizations can assess the efficacy of a physician adviser as part of strategic-planning efforts.
Select Healthcare Financial Management Terms
Break even Analysis (BE) Technique for calculating the volume required for a specific service where expenses equal revenue generated. Charges (Gross Charges) Billed amount
A Monthly Video with HFMA’s Joe Fifer
HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, discusses the advantages of value transformation through the eyes of physicians.
The Upside of Change: The Physician Perspective
The value transformation could disrupt the practice of medicine for the better, from a physician perspective.
Coming Up for Air: How Healthcare Organizations Should Respond to the Problem of Physician Burnout
Myriad programs and legislative efforts in the ever-changing healthcare landscape have physicians and others in health care weary.
Contracting With Physicians to Tackle Pervasive Challenges
Hospital efficiency improvement programs allow organizations to address quality and efficiency goals across service lines by providing all inpatient-focused specialties with financial rewards if they achieve specific outcomes.
Do Your Physicians Speak Finance?
Advisory Board’s John Johnston and Vincent Joseph explain the value of educating physicians on finance issues.