Ask the Experts Answer: Urgent Care Center
Q: We are opening an urgent care center that will be hospital-based. The consulting team that is setting-up the billing suggests that we have two different charge slips and two different prices -- one for self pay and one for insurance patients. I am not comfortable with this recommendation and would like guidance on charging two different prices.
Ask the Experts Answer: Provider Refunds for Insured Patients
Q: Do you know of any policy/legislation or general practices regarding a provider refunding a payer if the patient was authorized but then later found by the payer to be uncovered because they are secondary?
Ask the Experts – Medicare Payment
Dale BakerDale E. Baker is the President of Baker Healthcare Consulting, Inc. (BHC), an Indianapolis based consulting firm serving over 1,000 acute care hospital clients in forty four states since 1990. BHC specializes in advising clients on Medicare geographic reclassification
Ask the Expert: Hourly Documentation for Observation Status
Q "At one point, I heard rumors that CMS was going to require hourly documentation by nursing to support Observation status. I feel as if this did not go forward, but have no hard documentation that it remains at every
Ask the Expert: Achieving Transparency
Q Are there any best practices that you can recommend for transparency?
Ask the Expert: Managed Care Payment Trends
Do you know of any studies that may support managed care payer payment trends to hospitals for 2011, 2012, etc?