Payment Trends

Around the World in 40 Weeks: Maternity Care Outside the U.S.

Olakunle Olaniyan, MD, MBA, FHFMA, president of Case Management Covenants, discusses what the United States can learn from other countries when it comes to maternity care. Also: an interview with Matt Houston of GHX about adoption of automated payment processes and five fast facts about hospital mergers and acquisitions. Sponsored by GHX.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

A Lannister always pays his medical debts (when offered a reasonable payment plan)

Pattie Kloehn of Healthwide Solutions and Bruce Haupt of ClearBalance describe trends in patient payment plans and detail how UConn Health achieved a 230% ROI on its own patient payment program. Also, five fast facts about revenue integrity.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

ROI Value Model By ClearBalance

An industry-leading patient financial solutions company discusses how it helps healthcare organizations benchmark their patient payment collections and validate the work of outside vendors.

HFMA May 29, 2019

States look to Medicare-based reference pricing as the solution to price variation for employee hospital services

To reduce prices paid for hospital services delivered to their employees, Montana and North Carolina are pursuing reference pricing based on Medicare rates.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 29, 2019

States reeling under rising healthcare costs

Rising Medicaid costs and high costs of healthcare for state employees are having a negative effect on state budgets.

HFMA May 19, 2019

Montana’s dive into Medicare reference pricing reduces provider payments by almost $16 million annually

Montana’s adoption of Medicare reference pricing has dramatically reduced payment rates for healthcare services delivered to state employees.

HFMA May 19, 2019

‘Medicare for All’: Do the numbers

Healthcare leaders can foster a productive debate about “Medicare for All” by driving analyses based on data such as cost projections, writes HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA May 15, 2019

May 13-17: See what events are coming in healthcare

May 13—Stay ahead of healthcare news and developments with this listing of hearings, conferences, webinars, contests, public forums and deadlines for the week of May 13. Highlights include HFMA webinars and another Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) webcast detailing the recently released Medicare primary care models.  Monday, May 13 Start of submission period…

Rich Daly May 14, 2019

4 strategies for improved Medicare Advantage plan performance

Positive operating margins in the Medicare Advantage segment require a shift toward more effectively managing Medicare populations by recognizing their unique needs and characteristics.

Tej Shah May 14, 2019

Hospitals Targeted in Federal Cost-Saving Ideas

A bipartisan group of policy advocates urged Congress to target hospitals as part of a highly anticipated legislative push on cost control.

Rich Daly May 6, 2019
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