Payment Trends

Analysis: The July 9 appeal of the lower court’s decision overturning the ACA

A review of the merits of the July 9 hearing on the ACA lawsuit and the question of whether the 20 state attorneys general and House of Representatives have standing to challenge the ruling that found the ACA unconstitutional.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 2, 2019

Single-payer concept for U.S. healthcare requires close fiscal scrutiny

The concept of "Medicare for All" has been a focus of much debate leading up to the 2020 presidential election, and the likely cost of such a program is an important factor that needs to be considered.

Ken Perez August 2, 2019

Analysis: 6 strategies of successful ACOs revealed in OIG study

The six strategies used by successful accountable care organizations are discussed in a review of a study of successful ACOs, released by the Office of the Inspector General last week.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 1, 2019

Provider Risk Readiness Report

The results of a May 2019 HFMA study about risk readiness in which hospital and health system senior financial leaders share insights on their organizations’ risk capabilities and tolerance.

HFMA August 1, 2019

The price of precision medicine: 3 ways for health plans to manage genetic-testing costs

With spending on genetic testing expected to grow significantly, health plans can use three steps to get a handle on costs.

Emad Rizk, MD August 1, 2019

HFMA Survey: Chargemaster Costing Capabilities

HFMA is gathering information to understand hospitals' costing capabilities at the inpatient discharge and outpatient visit/service level.

HFMA July 25, 2019

2 states take the lead in implementing innovative healthcare reforms

Washington and Colorado are seeking to funnel noteworthy innovations in healthcare reform, including a public option, through their Medicaid infrastructures.

Pam Nicholson, MBA July 25, 2019

Verma points to hospitals as the largest driver of healthcare costs

The Trump administration’s Medicare leader singled out hospitals as the leading driver of healthcare cost increases.

Rich Daly July 25, 2019

‘Medicare for All’ to cost hospitals $200 billion annually, analysis finds

Although a slice of hospitals might financially benefit from a single-payer model based on Medicare rates, 90% would face cuts totaling $200 billion each year, according to a new industry analysis.

Rich Daly July 24, 2019

Analysis: Administration’s plans on drug pricing faced recent multiple setbacks

In the face of recent, multiple setbacks on the Trump administration’s proposals for drug pricing, the administration could move aggressively forward on its anticipated International Pricing Index Model for Part B drugs proposal.

HFMA July 16, 2019
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