Payment Trends

Is Walmart taking a page out of Clayton Christensen’s playbook?

Walmart developing a low-cost service focused on a segment of the market that traditional players tend to avoid – the uninsured and underinsured – may signal ambitions to move further into healthcare delivery.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA February 7, 2020

Key takeaways from North Carolina’s move to value-based healthcare

Keith Moore, CEO of McManis Consulting, shares his perspectives on North Carolina’s move to value-based payment and what it means for hospitals and health systems nationwide.

Eric C. Reese, PhD February 4, 2020

Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All plan: The devil in the details

Any objective analysis of Elizabeth Warren’s proposal for Medicare for All should consider its enormous societal and federal costs, and its likely impacts on the health insurance industry and hospitals.

Ken Perez January 31, 2020

Feb. 2-7: Senate hearing on private provider care for veterans is among upcoming healthcare finance events

A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of Feb. 2.

Rich Daly January 30, 2020

Analysis: Aspire Health Founder Brad Smith chosen as new CMMI director

The change in CMMI leadership could mean long-anticipated models are released, and may signal more emphasis on palliative care in future models based on Brad Smith’s background.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 14, 2020

Atrius Health: Experience with global-risk contracts paves way to success in new arrangement

Previous success in risk-based contracts will allow Atrius Health to thrive in its new global-risk arrangement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, two of the provider’s leaders write.

Patrick Holland January 13, 2020

Cautionary tales: Why some payer-provider initiatives have stumbled

Health system leaders that are considering launching a provider-sponsored health plan can take a lesson from the experiences of organizations that faced challenges in pursuing such a strategy.

Richard Weil, PhD January 10, 2020

Many voters oppose giving government authority to set all healthcare prices

More voters oppose broad government rate-setting than support such an approach to addressing healthcare cost increases, according to a poll.

Rich Daly January 9, 2020

A tailored approach to value-based care product development

To be successful, a value-based-payment initiative must be tailored to the provider organization's market and capabilities.

Richard Weil, PhD January 2, 2020

Maryland TCOC: A grand demonstration continues

As Maryland's Medicare Total Cost of Care priogram enters its second year, it It is a goodtime to revisit the program to understand its essential elements and implications for the nation's healthcare system.

Dale N. Schumacher, MD, MPH January 2, 2020
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