Value Based Payment

Analysis: Survey results show health systems prepared to take risk

Results of a recent HFMA/Navigant survey show providers are prepared to increase their level of payment risk. HFMA’s Chad Mulvany provides insight on what these results indicate.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 15, 2019

Mandatory models among 6 newly proposed Medicare demos

Mandatory models for kidney care and oncology were among six new Medicare payment models proposed in mid-July.

Rich Daly July 15, 2019

Is healthcare’s focus shifting from value to pricing?

Federal policy advisers see a shift from value-based payment to policies focused on cutting provider payments.

Rich Daly July 10, 2019

CMMI chief: Administration’s value push will continue if ACA struck down

The senior government official in charge of creating value-based payment models said the Trump administration’s commitment to such models would continue even if the law authorizing his office is struck down in an ongoing court challenge.

Rich Daly July 8, 2019

How hospitals saved $1,000 per case in a mandatory bundle

Several hospital approaches were key to obtaining savings of nearly $1,000 per episode in Medicare’s first mandatory bundled payment model.

Rich Daly July 3, 2019

Primary Care First Model holds promise but faces challenges

CMS's Primary Care First Model aims to create incentives for primary care physicians to take on risk under value-based payment, but whether it will be successful remains to be seen.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD June 30, 2019

Where the future in healthcare already exists

Providers may be able to learn from providers and health plans already implementing many of the innovations that leaders say are needed to lower costs and improve care.

Rich Daly June 28, 2019

What’s the blueprint for taking on risk?

Providers and health plans need to collaborate — both in the planning and execution of risk-based contracts — in order to make them work.

Rich Daly June 23, 2019

Providers press CMS for details amid lingering uncertainty about new primary care models

The possibility of conflicts between Medicare payment models joined the customary concern about benchmarking details in provider feedback on coming primary care models, an administration official said.

Rich Daly June 20, 2019

CMS identifies keys to success in bundled payment as BPCI-A deadline looms

Ahead of next week’s deadline for providers to join the largest voluntary bundled payment program, the agency in charge of the program identified lessons learned from successful participants.

Rich Daly June 19, 2019
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