Value Based Payment

Key Senate committee takes a close look at healthcare waste and prices

The U.S. Senate is intent on finding ways to improve the value of healthcare, according to takeaways from a recent hearing of the Budget Committee. Although other committees and subcommittees in both chambers of Congress have held meaningful hearings about healthcare policy and costs this year, the Budget Committee’s attention to the matter is especially…

Nick Hut December 7, 2023

10 Keys to Restoring Trust in Healthcare

The issue of restoring consumer trust in the U.S. healthcare system encompasses a wide range of concerns. Factors in the perceived loss of trust include anxiety and confusion over costs, entrenched inequity, a glut of misinformation about vaccines and other treatments, and data and privacy breaches. To examine the problem and explore solutions, HFMA’s 16th…

Nick Hut December 7, 2023

Dennis Dahlen: Are states losing patience with the pace of healthcare value transformation?

The pace of state-based regulation and oversight of healthcare providers is accelerating — and it could be an indication that patience is growing thin with federal, payer and provider efforts to improve healthcare value.  Across the nation, we’re seeing a growing number of states adopt healthcare affordability boards. It’s a trend that started to pick…

Dennis E. Dahlen, FHFMA, MBA, CPA October 30, 2023

In response to a congressional RFI, provider advocates give input on ways to bolster rural healthcare

Hospital and physician groups were among the respondents to a request by a key congressional committee for information on improving rural healthcare. In an RFI issued in September, the House Ways and Means Committee sought policy solutions for augmenting access to — and the quality of — healthcare in relatively remote areas. “The committee will…

Nick Hut October 19, 2023

Insights on population health management challenges through the eyes of C-suite leaders

Population health management is at a crossroads, and one key to ensuring its viability is to bolster stakeholder trust in the potential of value-based payment (VBP) models. That was a key takeaway from healthcare executives who took part in a September panel discussion at the 23rd annual Population Health Colloquium, hosted by the Jefferson College…

Nick Hut October 5, 2023

Risky business: What every CFO should know before taking on risk

As a health system leader, how can you ensure your organization is making the right moves to take on risk in an evolving landscape for payment? Check out a handful of key capabilities to focus on in this article.

HFMA September 29, 2023

OSF plans for value-based care in Medicaid

The majority (70%) of OSF HealthCare’s business is paid for by Medicare and Medicaid, prompting Mike Allen, FHFMA, MBA, the system’s CFO, to identify Medicaid as presenting the next big opportunity for assuming risk under a value-based care approach.  “Trying to wade into a value-based agreement for the Medicaid population is not for the faint…

Lola Butcher September 12, 2023

A crisis of faith regarding value-based care

As the movement to reduce or eliminate fee-for-service payment in favor of value-based payment plods along, some in the industry are voicing doubts that it is ever going to happen or that it is even necessary.  An HFMA survey conducted in February and March for the “Healthcare 2030” series of special reports finds some of…

Paul Barr, MS, MBA August 31, 2023

Summary: 10 vital responses to healthcare disruption

Note: This article is a summary of a report on HFMA’s Spring Thought Leadership Retreat. The full report is available to download. Disruption is reverberating throughout the healthcare industry, and it’s incumbent on legacy organizations to develop strategic responses for the benefit of their consumers, their communities and themselves. With that overarching challenge becoming ever…

Nick Hut August 30, 2023

Children’s hospitals swim against the tide to improve the health of their patients and communities

As the nation’s pediatric hospitals strive to keep kids healthy, they face obstacles that reflect the difficulty of enacting structural changes in care delivery. Even pediatric hospitals that are eager to engage in value-based payment (VBP) models can have a hard time establishing the type of network that allows them to affect the holistic health…

Nick Hut August 22, 2023
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