Payment Trends

Preventable ED Use Costs $8.3 Billion Annually: Analysis

Feb. 8—An estimated $8.3 billion is spent each year on emergency department (ED) care that could be provided in another location, according to a new analysis.

Rich Daly February 11, 2019

4 Key Ways the OPPS Final Rule Affects the Revenue Cycle

Clinic visits in hospital settings and 340B payments are among the changes to be aware of in 2019.

Mike Kovar January 17, 2019

Medicaid, Drug Prices Could See Big Election Impacts

Nov. 7—On Tuesday, voters in three states approved expanding Medicaid eligibility to a total of more than 300,000 people.

Rich Daly November 8, 2018

Providers Should Keep Watch on Payer Discount Increases

A significant uptick in payer contractual allowances and discounts in the first quarter of 2018 indicate that hospitals should remain focused on payer mix and payer category shifts.

Jeanne M. Slates November 2, 2018

Amid Headwinds, For-Profit Hospital Outlook Stays Stable

Oct. 24—The outlook among for-profit hospitals remains stable over the coming 18 months, according to Moody’s Investors Service.

Rich Daly October 25, 2018

Don’t Steer Away from Auto Accident Revenue Cycle Challenges

Brad Williams describes helpful strategies for recovering payments due based on patient involvement in auto accidents, which can be difficult to navigate but well worth pursuing.

Brad Williams September 18, 2018

How to Get Involved in CAQH CORE’s Work

CAQH CORE currently is forming groups to work on healthcare data standardization. Healthcare finance professionals are a core constituent and CAQH welcomes their participation.

HFMA August 15, 2018

Why Fee-For-Service Remains Prominent

Fee-for-service is still the dominant payment method because of certain economic factors and a traditional industrial mindset that values volume.

HFMA August 14, 2018

How to Really Know Your Payment Rates

A deep understanding of active contracts, combined with proactive and purposeful performance monitoring and open communication with health plans must be in place to ensure that hospitals are appropriately paid and the incentives available to them are aligned.

Debra Ryan August 13, 2018

Are Employers Rethinking High-Deductible Plans?

Aug. 7—Employers that provide insurance for their workers are expressing an unusual degree of reluctance about high-deductible health plans (HDHPs).

Rich Daly August 8, 2018
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