Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

Delayed care will have a butterfly effect on the Medicare Advantage rate setting

HFMA’s Chad Mulvany says healthcare providers can take specific actions to reengage with patients who are postponing and/or avoiding healthcare for fear of being exposed to COVID-19.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 27, 2020

Medicaid provider rate cuts forecast as states anticipate budget shortfalls

Because the CARES Act prohibits states that received increased funding from cutting benefits, increasing premiums or restricting eligibility, one of the few available options to reduce costs is making provider rate cuts.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 27, 2020

Medicare considering making telehealth expansion permanent, Verma says

Medicare is considering making permanent some of the temporary telehealth waivers it has issued during the pandemic.

Rich Daly May 27, 2020

Is another health plan featuring virtual PCPs as primary access point a sign of things to come?

HFMA's Chad Mulvany questions if the recent expansion of telehealth could stimulate a trend of plans offering virtual PCPs as the primary care access point.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 27, 2020

With 40% of COVID deaths, post-acute care sites get funding, scrutiny

COVID-19 focus and assistance increasingly have been turning to post-acute care providers.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020

Federal payments for care of uninsured COVID-19 patients to go out in mid-May

Hospitals that have tested or treated uninsured patients for COVID-19 can start receiving federal payments as soon as mid-May.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020

New rule aims to sustain Medicare ACOs in wake of COVID-19

A new Medicare rule aims to ease the financial challenges COVID-19 has created for accountable care organizations.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020

HHS identifies limits on clawbacks of CARES Act overpayments

HHS will limit reclamation of COVID-19 assistance to amounts higher than related expenses and lost revenues.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020

Hospitals shed 135,000 jobs in April while losing an estimated $51 billion

Hospitals shed 3% of their workforce in April as the coronavirus and related government policies led to an estimated $51 billion revenue loss.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020

After patient volume collapsed amid the coronavirus pandemic, some see signs of recovery

Hospitals faced steep patient volume declines in March and April, but signs indicate levels could be recovering as elective procedures resume.

Rich Daly May 26, 2020
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