CMS finalizes requirement for hospitals to report MA plan rates
Pandemic increases pressures for rural hospitals struggling pre-COVID-19
HFMA's Chad Mulvany says weakened rural providers will likely seek to align more closely or be acquired by a larger healthcare system or merge with one another to gain economies of scale.
What would the Biden-Sanders recommendations mean for hospitals?
Former U.S. Vice president Joe Biden has focused on protecting and building on the Affordable Care Act within his presidential campaign. His policy stances touch on three areas of focus: access, quality and cost.
Offering long-term payment plans to meet the financial needs of patients
A forward-thinking bank talks about its accessible patient finance program, which gives patients a way to afford care while ensuring timely payment for healthcare organizations.
Commercial health plans’ value-pay response to pandemic mixed, say providers
Commercial health plans have offered providers in value-based payments some pandemic-related flexibilities but rejected some changes.
News briefs: Trends in hospital volumes and margins, and other forces shaping healthcare finance
Read about the key factors that shaped healthcare finance policy and practice June and July 2020.
How to develop a winning pricing strategy in the post-COVID-19 consumer market
Providers and health plans should prepare for federally imposed price transparency mandates imposed by developing comprehensive pricing strategies tailored to their specific market positions, financials and operational objectives.
News briefs September 2020: Trends in hospital volumes and margins, and other forces shaping healthcare finance
Read about the key factors that shaped healthcare finance policy and practice in August 2020.
Price transparency as a guiding principle: directionally correct
HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer offers a perspective on HFMA’s approach to price transparency vis-à-vis the upcoming CMS regulations on payment rate transparency.
Telehealth helped chronically ill during pandemic but their access to care worsened: CDC
Many chronically ill sought telehealth care during the pandemic, even as they reported worse care access, according to a CDC survey.