Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

Medicaid expansion doesn’t appear to bolster finances or operations at critical access hospitals, study finds

Changes in operating margin, staffing ratios and quality metrics didn’t hinge on whether a critical access hospital was in a state that had expanded Medicaid.

Nick Hut December 9, 2021

Healthcare industry leaders share ideas with CMMI for improving value-based payment models, with benchmarking a top concern

During a recent call with healthcare stakeholders, leaders with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation heard various ideas for improving value-based payment models.

Nick Hut December 4, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Youth mental health-related emergency department visits are on the rise as a result of the pandemic

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Mental health-related ED visits increase for children and teens, hospital volumes are nearly at 2019 levels, and TransUnion Healthcare sees a 55% increase in financial assistance requests in a 12-month period.

Deborah Filipek December 3, 2021

Court injunction stops federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers from being implemented as scheduled

A federal judge has halted implementation of a new rule that would require all on-site staff in hospitals and most other healthcare settings to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Nick Hut December 2, 2021

Exploring opportunities to improve provider-payer data exchange

Revenue cycle leaders share strategies and the benefits for effective data exchange between providers and payers, as well as the challenges in this executive roundtable.

HFMA November 30, 2021

News Briefs: Federal vaccination requirements finalized for hospitals and most other healthcare settings

If a hospital’s staff aren’t fully vaccinated by Jan. 4, the organization will be deemed noncompliant with Medicare and Medicaid regulations, according to a new federal rule.

Nick Hut November 30, 2021

Gail Wilensky: Physician payment and SDoH challenges loom large on nation’s path to value

Two primary obstacles stand in the way of the nation's ability to achieve cost-effective health and healthcare delivery: the slow transition to value-based payment by physicians and the need to address social determinants of health.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD November 30, 2021

An epidemiologist discusses how we failed the public when it comes to public health

Dr. Brian Castrucci, an epidemiologist and CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, talks with HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer about policies to improve public health, cost effectiveness of health, the future of COVID-19 and the healthcare industry's role in it all.

Erika Grotto November 29, 2021

Rep. Suzan DelBene discusses the Improving Seniors‘ Timely Access to Care Act

HFMA senior editor Nick Hut is joined by Rep. Suzan DelBene to talk about the Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act as well as following up on the Value in Health Care Act.

Erika Grotto November 29, 2021

Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, November 2021

The November HFMA’s Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, features stories that explore the growing trend toward delivery of healthcare at home, as reflected in CMS’s Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver and a unique senior-care-at-home approach in Southern California that has national implications. The report also includes features that explore leading health systems’ innovative venture investing strategies and the need for more proactive approaches to addressing workforce challenges facing the industry.

HFMA November 24, 2021
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