Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

The impact of claims denials on the financial health of healthcare

While their hospitals and healthcare centers have long had to deal with claims denials, the number of denied claims continues to rise and payers are showing little inclination to help solve the problem, according to several roundtable participants.

HFMA March 29, 2023

Best practices for relieving unprecedented cost pressures facing healthcare providers

Due to labor cost increases, inflation, declining Medicare reimbursements and other reasons, health systems across the nation are feeling a new financial strain after the height of the pandemic.

HFMA March 29, 2023

Payvider Survey Summary Report

HFMA, with sponsorship from Guidehouse, surveyed over 100 health system CFOs and finance and managed care executives to understand payvider model trends. The survey indicates that provider organizations are gravitating towards risk-based payment models. Nearly 60% of health systems responding to the survey plan to advance into risk-based Medicare Advantage models this year. Survey respondents…

HFMA January 7, 2022

A New Era of Health Consumerism & Flexible Financing

The American healthcare system is experiencing significant shifts, moving past long-standingnorms. Health consumers increasingly want the new point-of-purchase financing options synonymous with today’s retail experience for their healthcare. Hospitals and health systems are turning to flexible financing solutions to meet today’s health consumers wherethey are,helping themplan forthe carethey needwithin theirbudgets.

Shannon Burke November 18, 2021

61% of hospitals say future compliance with price transparency will impact financial processes: HFMA poll

An HFMA-Strata survey found 61% of hospitals and health systems are revamping financial processes in light of price transparency.

Lisa Eramo, MA August 27, 2021

3 reasons healthcare providers are eager to offer text-to-pay convenience

Healthcare providers should consider the benefits of offering a text to pay option for their patients.

HFMA May 5, 2021

Risk contracting: Outlook and success factors for hospitals and health systems

An December 2020 HFMA survey, sponsored by GHX, found high levels of optimism, overall regarding the future of value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

Implications of the HFMA-GHX study of risk-based contracting

In this article discussing implications of the findings of a December 2020 HFMA study, sponsored by GHX, healthcare leaders share their perspectives on key factors contributing to their organizations' success under value-based contracts.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021
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