Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

Managing the ACA’s Nondiscrimination Provisions

The ACA prohibits discrimination in health programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Healthcare providers face the challenges of preventing language barriers that may impact certain patients based on race, as well as current litigation on gender identify.

J. Stuart Showalter April 10, 2017

Electronic Claim Processing Can Save Millions of Work Hours

If providers fully adopt automated processes for claim transactions, a minimum of 1.1 million hours of administrative work could be saved per business week each year, according to a 2016 CAQH study. 

HFMA April 10, 2017

Ask the Experts: Developing a Bundled Payment Team

Who are the main players within finance and other departments who are typically involved in developing bundled payments?

HFMA April 7, 2017

Tackling Preservice Pricing Plans

Despite evidence that patient demand for preservice pricing is growing, only 30 percent of patients are being offered pre-treatment cost estimates. 

Tom Yoesle April 6, 2017

The Cost of Delaying the Move To Value Based Care

Using a calculator tool, healthcare finance leaders can project the costs and benefits of value-based care under different scenarios and make the case for what their organizations have to gain—or lose—by delaying or adopting value-based strategies.

Ty Tolbert April 6, 2017

Running the Rapids of Today’s Healthcare Reforms

The possibility of legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act remains, despite the recent setback, so healthcare organizations should be prepared for the changes it might bring, including reduced Medicaid payment and increased charity care and bad debt.

Jeff Helton,  PHD, FHFMA, CMA, CFE April 5, 2017

Managing Transitional and Chronic Care Profitably: A Guide for Hospital-Owned Physician Practices

CMS offers an attractive incentive for healthcare organizations that participate in transitional care management and chronic care management programs.

Cathy Zito April 5, 2017

Experiments with Alternative Payment Models

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, talks about how to make the most out of experiments with alternative payment models.

HFMA April 3, 2017

Video: The Cost of Care: ACOs, Medicaid, and Value-Based Care

Ken Perez, vice president of healthcare policy and Omnicell, provides insight into the future of ACOs, Medicaid, and value-based care.

HFMA March 31, 2017

Augmenting Price Transparency With New Strategies

Taking the right approach to designing healthcare benefits and provider networks could enhance price transparency in a way that allows healthcare consumers to become smarter shoppers.

Laura Ramos Hegwer March 30, 2017
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