New IBD Care Models Reduce ED Inpatient Use
Leading gastroenterologists are adapting the patient-centered medical home model to treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
HFMA Comments on the CY18 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule
HFMA submitted comments to CMS on the CY 2018 OPPS/ASC proposed rule.
Coming of Age: The Future of Bundled Payments
Jean Drouin describes recent and coming changes around bundled payment models.
HFMA Comments on CY18 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule
HFMA commented on CMS’s CY 2018 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.
The Collateral Impacts of MIPS
Tom S. Lee describes the long-term effects a MIPS score can have on providers.
Optimizing Total Joint Performance in an Era of Uncertainty
Advisory Board’s Sean Angert discusses ways healthcare organizations can improve performance in bundled payment programs.
MIPS: Getting Ready for a New Paradigm in Pay for Performance
Organizations that have not yet considered their strategy for participation in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) must begin to plan now, or risk financial penalties.
Time for Hospitals to Pursue a ‘Nip and Tuck’ Chargemaster Pricing Strategy?
Hospitals should balance their concern about achieving the margins they require to accomplish their missions with the need to maintain defensible pricing in an environment of increasing healthcare price transparency.
Three Strikes Against the Idea that Coverage Reduces ED Use
Ken Perez describes three case studies showing that expanded coverage increases emergency department use.
Improve Compliance and Revenue by Understanding the Two-Midnight Rule
Edward Hu, MD, president of the American College of Physician Colleges, offers guidance for physicians seeking to better understand the two-midnight rule.