
Executive Summary: CMS 2018 PFS Final Rule

This document highlights key financial and operational impacts from the CY18 PFS final rule, published by CMS.

HFMA November 10, 2017

How to Be a Good Payer Partner

Health plans seek provider partners who are organized for population health, and CFOs can provide the leadership to guide such infrastructure investments.

Laura Ramos Hegwer November 7, 2017

HFMA’s Regulatory Sound Bites: An Overview of the Final 2018 IPPS Rule

This presentation provides important details of the FY18 IPPS final rule, published by CMS.

HFMA November 7, 2017

Executive Summary: Final 2018 OPPS/ASC Rule

This document provides a brief summary of key financial and operational impacts from the 2018 outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) final rule.

HFMA November 7, 2017

Early Physician Involvement Vital in Advanced Care Delivery Models

When a healthcare organization plans to implement an advanced care delivery model, early physician involvement is key because of the role that physicians play in many parts of the operation.

Ed Avis November 6, 2017

Of Noise and Signal: Why Bundled Payment Keeps Moving Forward

CMS has not moved decisively in developing bundled-payment, episode-of-care payment models, leaving states and health plans to lead the way with innovative approaches.

Douglas W. Emery, MS November 2, 2017

Trend Toward Increasing Payer Deductions Continues

Payer deductions continue to increase, with government payers far exceeding private and managed care plans. 

David Koepke, PhD October 31, 2017

Crafting a Comprehensive MACRA Strategy

With regulations set forth by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 in full swing, physician organizations should prepare for change.

Julian Harris October 27, 2017

The Fiscal Realities of a Single Payer Healthcare System

More Americans are in favor of a single-payer approach to health care, but the financial ramifications should be fully explored.

Ken Perez October 27, 2017

Calling Into Question the Nation’s Commitment to Value-Based Health Care

There is widespread agreement that the goal of transitioning the nation’s healthcare system to value-based payment is important, but there remain many impediments to accomplishing such a transition.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD October 27, 2017
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