
340B Reporting Bill Draws Hospital Worry

March 5—Hospitals are concerned that new transparency legislation will leave the wrong impression about a federal discount drug program that’s come under fire from pharmaceutical companies.

Rich Daly March 5, 2018

Short-Term Limited Duration Insurance Proposed Rule

This document summarizes the proposed rule published by The Departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services amending the definition of short term, limited duration (STLD) insurance for purposes of its exclusion from the definition of individual health insurance coverage.

HFMA March 1, 2018

Minimizing Readmission Penalties with Palliative Care

Hospitals that invest in palliative care programs may reduce readmission penalties.

Allison Silvers March 1, 2018

Tax Reform Implications for Healthcare Organizations

Tax-exempt hospitals prepare for the impact of provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, including the repeal of the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act and changes to tax incentives for charitable giving.

Chris Bell March 1, 2018

Strategies for Managing Third-Party Liability Claims

Boston Medical Center has achieved average cycle times of 90 and 120 days respectively for workers’ compensation and motor vehicle accident claims.

CLAIMS MANAGEMENT February 27, 2018

Governors Push Value-Based Pay Shift to Control Costs

Feb. 22—A bipartisan group of governors urged a range of steps by federal, state, and private payers to spur the shift to value-based payment and help control spiraling healthcare costs.

Rich Daly February 26, 2018

11 Metrics Reveal the Best Strategies For Cutting Outpatient Prices

A scoring methodology is the first step in evaluating outpatient service price reductions without sacrificing financial viability.

William O. Cleverley, PhD February 23, 2018

Administration’s Budget Proposals for Fiscal Year 2019

This summary provides highlights of the healthcare proposals included in the Trump Administration's fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget.

HFMA February 22, 2018

Payment on Motor-Vehicle Claims: An Untapped Source of Revenue in Uncertain Times

George Abatjoglou explains the importance of knowing how to process a common, but often mishandled, type of claim. 

George Abatjoglou February 21, 2018

BPCI Advanced Improves Care, Physician Alignment, and Revenue

A healthcare thought leader explains how hospitals can generate savings, improve clinical care, and foster physician alignment by participating in BPCI Advanced. 

Lisa A. Eramo February 21, 2018
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