
Not-for-Profit Hospitals Hit All-Time-Low Operating Margins: Moody’s

Aug. 29—Operating margins for not-for-profit hospitals fell to 1.6 percent in FY17, the lowest level one rating agency has ever found in its tracking.

Rich Daly August 30, 2018

5 DRGs Are Primary Contributors to Rising Average Loss per Medicare Hospital Admission

Among Medicare admissions in 2015 to 2017, costs per admission rose more rapidly than did payments, and the impact of this trend on hospitals’ financials strongest with admissions associated with 5 DRGs.

HFMA August 29, 2018

Administration Meets Challenge to Risk-Adjustment Payments, Counter to Critics’ Assumptions

Responding to a New Mexico district court’s ruling against the risk-adjustment program established by the Affordable Care Act, CMS initially put the program’s payments to collections and payment on hold, but then took steps to reinstate the program.

Gail R. Wilensky August 29, 2018

4 Steps for Success in a Changing Payment Landscape

The experiences of oncology practices participating in CMMI’s Oncology Care Model offer insight on how physician practices can best adapt their revenue cycle for value-based payment models.

Charles Saunders, MD August 29, 2018

Next Gen ACO Savings Could Bolster Medicare ACO Changes

Aug. 27—The most advanced Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs) saved $100 million in their first year, according to a new report. And such savings could bolster Medicare’s proposed transition to greater risk for other ACOs, some industry watchers said.

Rich Daly August 28, 2018

Ask the Experts: Bundled Payment Start Date and Allocation

What parameters have other hospitals used to set a start date for moving to a bundled payment versus fee-for-service?

HFMA August 27, 2018

Aug. 27-31: Individual Market Rates Roll in Amid Tweaks

Aug. 23—States are scrambling to implement last-minute supports for the individual-insurance markets, even as 2019 rates begin to be finalized.

Rich Daly August 24, 2018

Even Successful Medicare ACOs Lose Money: Analysis

Aug. 22—Accountable care organizations (ACOs) that succeeded in earning bonuses from Medicare garnered less revenue than they would have under the fee-for-service (FFS) payment system, a recent analysis found.

Rich Daly August 23, 2018

Understanding Pricing Trends in a Changing Environment

Pricing data can help providers make more informed strategic decisions and build better relationships with their patients.

HFMA August 15, 2018

A Push to Streamline Value-Based Payment

Value-based payment is ripe to repeat past fee-for-service problems—widespread slowdowns as each entity took different approaches to data collection and sharing and, as a result, hampering interactions. CAQH CORE is getting in front of these challenges now.

Erin Richter Weber August 15, 2018
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